(Replying to all your messages in this thread together)

This made me wonder why smgrwritev() and smgrextendv() shouldn't be
backed by the same implementation, since they are essentially the same

+1 to the general idea of merging the write and extend functions.

The differences are some assertions which might as well be
moved up to the smgr.c level as they must surely apply to any future
smgr implementation too, right?, and the segment file creation policy
which can be controlled with a new argument.  I tried that here.

Currently, smgrwrite/smgrextend just calls through to mdwrite/mdextend. I'd like to keep it that way. Otherwise we need to guess what a hypothetical smgr implementation might look like.

For example this assertion:

        /* This assert is too expensive to have on normally ... */
        Assert(blocknum >= mdnblocks(reln, forknum));

I think that should continue to be md.c's internal affair. For example, imagine that you had a syscall like write() but which always writes to the end of the file and also returns the offset that the data was written to. You would want to assert the returned offset instead of the above.

So -1 on moving up the assertions to smgr.c.

Let's bite the bullet and merge the smgrwrite and smgrextend functions at the smgr level too. I propose the following signature:

#define SWF_SKIP_FSYNC          0x01
#define SWF_EXTEND              0x02
#define SWF_ZERO                0x04

void smgrwritev(SMgrRelation reln, ForkNumber forknum,
                BlockNumber blocknum,
                const void **buffer, BlockNumber nblocks,
                int flags);

This would replace smgwrite, smgrextend, and smgrzeroextend. The mdwritev() function would have the same signature. A single 'flags' arg looks better in the callers than booleans, because you don't need to remember what 'true' or 'false' means. The callers would look like this:

/* like old smgrwrite(reln, MAIN_FORKNUM, 123, buf, false) */
smgrwritev(reln, MAIN_FORKNUM, 123, buf, 1, 0);

/* like old smgrwrite(reln, MAIN_FORKNUM, 123, buf, true) */
smgrwritev(reln, MAIN_FORKNUM, 123, buf, 1, SWF_SKIP_FSYNC);

/* like old smgrextend(reln, MAIN_FORKNUM, 123, buf, true) */
smgrwritev(reln, MAIN_FORKNUM, 123, buf, 1,

/* like old smgrzeroextend(reln, MAIN_FORKNUM, 123, 10, true) */
smgrwritev(reln, MAIN_FORKNUM, 123, NULL, 10,

While thinking about that I realised that an existing write-or-extend
assertion in master is wrong because it doesn't add nblocks.

Hmm, it's a bit weird that we have nblocks as int or BlockNumber in
various places, which I think should probably be fixed.


Here also is a first attempt at improving the memory allocation and
memory layout.
+typedef union BufferSlot
+       PGIOAlignedBlock buffer;
+       dlist_node      freelist_node;
+}                      BufferSlot;

If you allocated the buffers in one large contiguous chunk, you could often do one large write() instead of a gathered writev() of multiple blocks. That should be even better, although I don't know much of a difference it makes. The above layout wastes a fair amount memory too, because 'buffer' is I/O aligned.

I wonder if bulk logging should trigger larger WAL writes in the "Have
to write it ourselves" case in AdvanceXLInsertBuffer(), since writing
8kB of WAL at a time seems like an unnecessarily degraded level of
performance, especially with wal_sync_method=open_datasync.  Of course
the real answer is "make sure wal_buffers is high enough for your
workload" (usually indirectly by automatically scaling from
shared_buffers), but this problem jumps out when tracing bulk_writes.c
with default settings.  We write out the index 128kB at a time, but
the WAL 8kB at a time.

Makes sense.

On 12/03/2024 23:38, Thomas Munro wrote:
One more observation while I'm thinking about bulk_write.c... hmm, it
writes the data out and asks the checkpointer to fsync it, but doesn't
call smgrwriteback().  I assume that means that on Linux the physical
writeback sometimes won't happen until the checkpointer eventually
calls fsync() sequentially, one segment file at a time.  I see that
it's difficult to decide how to do that though; unlike checkpoints,
which have rate control/spreading, bulk writes could more easily flood
the I/O subsystem in a burst.  I expect most non-Linux systems'
write-behind heuristics to fire up for bulk sequential writes, but on
Linux where most users live, there is no write-behind heuristic AFAIK
(on the most common file systems anyway), so you have to crank that
handle if you want it to wake up and smell the coffee before it hits
internal limits, but then you have to decide how fast to crank it.

This problem will come into closer focus when we start talking about
streaming writes.  For the current non-streaming bulk_write.c coding,
I don't have any particular idea of what to do about that, so I'm just
noting the observation here.

It would be straightforward to call smgrwriteback() from sgmr_bulk_flush every 1 GB of written data for example. It would be nice to do it in the background though, and not stall the bulk writing for it. With the AIO patches, I presume we could easily start an asynchronous writeback and not wait for it to finish.

Sorry for the sudden wall of text/monologue; this is all a sort of
reaction to bulk_write.c that I should perhaps have sent to the
bulk_write.c thread, triggered by a couple of debugging sessions.

Thanks for looking! This all makes sense. The idea of introducing the bulk write interface was that now we have a natural place to put all these heuristics and optimizations in. That seems to be a success, AFAICS none of the things discussed here will change the bulk_write API, just the implementation.

Heikki Linnakangas
Neon (https://neon.tech)

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