On Thu, Mar 14, 2024 at 1:38 PM Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 14, 2024 at 4:08 PM Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> > The patch-of-record contains no such wording.
> I plan to fix that, if nobody else beats me to it.
> > And if this isn't a
> > security feature, then what is it?  If you have to say to your
> > (super) users "please don't mess with the system configuration",
> > you might as well just trust them not to do it the easy way as not
> > to do it the hard way.  If they're untrustworthy, why have they
> > got superuser?
> I mean, I feel like this question has been asked and answered before,
> multiple times, on this thread. If you sincerely don't understand the
> use case, I can try again to explain it. But somehow I feel like it's
> more that you just don't like the idea, which is fair, but it seems
> like a considerable number of people feel otherwise.

I know I'm jumping into a long thread here, but I've been following it
out of interest. I'm sympathetic to the use case, since I used to work
at a Postgres cloud provider, and while our system intentionally did
not give our end users superuser privileges, I can imagine other
managed environments where that's not an issue. I'd like to give
answering this question again a shot, because I think this has been a
persistent misunderstanding in this thread, and I don't think it's
been made all that clear.

It's not a security feature: it's a usability feature.

It's a usability feature because, when Postgres configuration is
managed by an outside mechanism (e.g., as in a Kubernetes
environment), ALTER SYSTEM currently allows a superuser to make
changes that appear to work, but may be discarded at some point in the
future when that outside mechanism updates the config. They may also
be represented incorrectly in a management dashboard if that dashboard
is based on the values in the outside configuration mechanism, rather
than values directly from Postgres.

In this case, the end user with access to Postgres superuser
privileges presumably also has access to the outside configuration
mechanism. The goal is not to prevent them from changing settings, but
to offer guard rails that prevent them from changing settings in a way
that will be unstable (revertible by a future update) or confusing
(not showing up in a management UI).

There are challenges here in making sure this is _not_ seen as a
security feature. But I do think the feature itself is sensible and


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