> On 22 Mar 2024, at 01:29, Michał Kłeczek <mic...@kleczek.org> wrote:
>> On 21 Mar 2024, at 23:42, Matthias van de Meent 
>> <boekewurm+postg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Tue, 19 Mar 2024 at 17:00, Michał Kłeczek <mic...@kleczek.org> wrote:
>>> With this operator we can write our queries like:
>>> account_number ||= [list of account numbers] AND
>>> account_number = ANY ([list of account numbers]) — redundant for partition 
>>> pruning as it does not understand ||=
>>> and have optimal plans:
>>> Limit
>>> — Merge Append
>>> —— Index scan of relevant partitions
>>> The problem is that now each partition scan is for the same list of 
>>> accounts.
>>> The “consistent” function cannot assume anything about contents of the 
>>> table so it has to check all elements of the list
>>> and that in turn causes reading unnecessary index pages for accounts not in 
>>> this partition.
>> You seem to already be using your own operator class, so you may want
>> to look into CREATE FUNCTION's support_function parameter; which would
>> handle SupportRequestIndexCondition and/or SupportRequestSimplify.
>> I suspect a support function that emits multiple clauses that each
>> apply to only a single partition at a time should get you quite far if
>> combined with per-partition constraints that filter all but one of
>> those. Also, at plan-time you can get away with much more than at
>> runtime.

Thinking about it some more - the suggestion goes backwards - ie. there must 
have been some deep misunderstanding:

If I was able to write my query such that the planner generates optimal plan, I 
would not implement the custom operator in the first place.

And this need of custom operator and operator class triggered the proposal in 


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