On Tue, Apr 9, 2024 at 7:47 AM Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> - The streaming read API stuff was all committed very last minute. I
> think this should have been committed much sooner. It's probably not
> going to break the world; it's more likely to have performance
> consequences. But if it had gone in sooner, we'd have had more time to
> figure that out.

OK, let me give an update on this work stream (pun intended).

One reason for the delay in committing was precisely that we were
fretting about regressions risks.  We tried pretty hard to identify
and grind down every regression we could find, and cases with
outstanding not-fully-understood or examined problems in that area
have been booted into the next cycle for more work: streaming bitmap
heapscan, several streaming vacuum patches, and more, basically things
that seem to have more complex interactions with other machinery.  The
only three places using streaming I/O that went in were:

041b9680: Use streaming I/O in ANALYZE.
b7b0f3f2: Use streaming I/O in sequential scans.
3a352df0: Use streaming I/O in pg_prewarm.

The first is a good first exercise in streaming random blocks;
hopefully no one would be too upset about an unexpected small
regression in ANALYZE, but as it happens it goes faster hot and cold
according to all reports.  The second is a good first exercise in
streaming sequential blocks, and it ranges from faster to no
regression, according to testing and reports.  The third is less
important, but it also goes faster.

Of those, streaming seq scan is clearly the most relevant to real
workloads that someone might be upset about, and I made a couple of
choices that you might say had damage control in mind:

* A conservative choice not to get into the business of the issuing
new hints to the kernel for random jumps in cold scans, even though we
think we probably should for better performance: more research needed
precisely to avoid unexpected interactions (cf the booted bitmap
heapscan where that sort of thing seems to be afoot).
* A GUC to turn off I/O combining if it somehow upsets your storage in
ways we didn't foresee (io_combine_limit=1).

For fully cached hot scans, it does seem to be quite sensitive to tiny
changes in a hot code path that I and others spent a lot of time
optimising and testing during the CF.  Perhaps it is possible that
someone else's microarchitecture or compiler could show a regression
that I don't see, and I will certainly look into it with vim and
vigour if so.  In that case we could consider a tiny
micro-optimisation that I've shared already (it seemed a little novel
so I'd rather propose it in the new cycle if I can), or, if it comes
to it based on evidence and inability to address a problem quickly,
reverting just b7b0f3f2 which itself is a very small patch.

An aspect you didn't mention is correctness.  I don't actually know
how to prove that buffer manager protocols are correct beyond thinking
and torture testing, ie what kind of new test harness machinery could
be used to cross-check more things about buffer pool state explicitly,
and that is a weakness I'm planning to look into.

I realise that "these are the good ones, you should see all the stuff
we decided not to commit!" is not an argument, I'm just laying out how
I see the patches that went in and why I thought they were good.  It's
almost an architectural change, but done in tiny footsteps.  I
appreciate that people would have liked to see those particular tiny
footsteps in some of the other fine months available for patching the
tree, and some of the earlier underpinning patches that were part of
the same patch series did go in around New Year, but clearly my
"commit spreading" didn't go as well as planned after that (not helped
by Jan/Feb summer vacation season down here).

Mr Paquier this year announced his personal code freeze a few weeks
back on social media, which seemed like an interesting idea I might
adopt.  Perhaps that is what some other people are doing without
saying so, and perhaps the time they are using for that is the end of
the calendar year.  I might still be naturally inclined to crunch-like
behaviour, but it wouldn't be at the same time as everyone else,
except all the people who follow the same advice.

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