Dear Shveta,

Sorry for delay response. I missed your post.

> +1.
> Similar to ALTER SUB, CREATE SUB also needs to be fixed. This is
> because we call alter_replication_slot in CREATE SUB as well, for the
> case when slot_name is provided and create_slot=false. But the tricky
> part is we call alter_replication_slot() when creating subscription
> for both failover=true and false. That means if we want to fix it on
> the similar line of ALTER SUB, we have to disallow user from executing
> the CREATE SUBSCRIPTION (slot_name = xx) in a txn block, which seems
> to break some existing use cases. (previously, user can execute such a
> command inside a txn block).
> So, we need to think if there are better ways to fix it.  After
> discussion with Hou-San offlist, here are some ideas:
> 1. do not alter replication slot's failover option when CREATE
> SUBSCRIPTION   WITH failover=false. This means we alter replication
> slot only when failover is set to true. And thus we can disallow
> CREATE SUB WITH (slot_name =xx, failover=true, create_slot=false)
> inside a txn block.
> This option allows user to run CREATE-SUB(create_slot=false) with
> failover=false in txn block like earlier. But on the downside, it
> makes the behavior inconsistent for otherwise simpler option like
> failover,  i.e. with failover=true, CREATE SUB is not allowed in txn
> block while with failover=false, it is allowed. It makes it slightly
> complex to be understood by user.
> 2. let's not disallow CREATE SUB in txn block as earlier, just don't
> perform internal alter-failover during CREATE SUB for existing
> slots(create_slot=false, slot_name=xx)  i.e. when create_slot is
> false, we will ignore failover parameter of CREATE SUB and it is
> user's responsibility to set it appropriately using ALTER SUB cmd. For
> create_slot=true, the behaviour of CREATE-SUB remains same as earlier.
> This option does not add new restriction for CREATE SUB wrt txn block.
> In context of failover with create_slot=false, we already have a
> similar restriction (documented one) for ALTER SUB, i.e. with 'ALTER
> SUBSCRIPTION SET(slot_name = new)', user needs to alter the new slot's
> failover by himself. CREAT SUB can also be documented in similar way.
> This seems simpler to be understood considering existing ALTER SUB's
> behavior as well. Plus, this will make CREATE-SUB code slightly
> simpler and thus easily manageable.
> 3. add a alter_slot option for CREATE SUBSCRIPTION, we can only alter
> the  slot's failover if alter_slot=true. And so we can disallow CREATE
> SUB WITH (slot_name =xx, alter_slot=true) inside a txn block.
> This seems a clean way, as everything will be as per user's consent
> based on alter_slot parameter. But on the downside, this will need
> introducing additional parameter and also adding new restriction of
> running CREATE-sub in txn  block for a specific case.
> 4. Don't alter replication in subscription DDLs. Instead, try to alter
> replication slot's failover in the apply worker. This means we need to
> execute alter_replication_slot each time before starting streaming in
> the apply worker.
> This does not seem appealing to execute alter_replication_slot
> everytime the apply worker starts. But if others think it as a better
> option, it can be further analyzed.

Thanks for describing, I also prefer 2, because it seems bit strange that
CREATE statement leads ALTER.

> Currently, our preference is option 2, as that looks a clean solution
> and also aligns with ALTER-SUB behavior which is already documented.
> Thoughts?
> --------------------------------
> Note that we could not refer to the design of two_phase here, because
> two_phase can be considered as a streaming option, so it's fine to
> change the two_phase along with START_REPLICATION command. (the
> two_phase is not changed in subscription DDLs, but get changed in
> START_REPLICATION command). But the failover is closely related to a
> replication slot itself.
> --------------------------------

Sorry, I cannot find statements. Where did you refer?

Best Regards,
Hayato Kuroda

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