On Thu, May 23, 2024 at 08:12:07AM +0000, Ilyasov Ian wrote:
> > It seems to me that we should keep the 'for replication target relation
> "public.tbl" in transaction \d+,', before the "finished at" so as it
> is possible to make a difference with the context that has a column
> name and the context where there is no target relation.
> I agree. Attached the updated patch.

One issue that you have here is that the regexp detection would still
fail when setting log_error_verbosity = verbose because of the extra
error code added between the ERROR and the string.  This caused the
LSN to not be fetched properly.

At the end, I've come up with a regexp that checks for a match of the
error string after the ERROR to not confuse the last part getting the
xdigits, and applied that down to 15.  Perhaps I would have added the
first "ERROR" part in the check, but could not come down to it for the
readability of the thing.

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