Attached is a minimal patch to allow missing roles in REVOKE command

This should fix the pg_upgrade issue and also a case where somebody
has dropped a role you are trying to revoke privileges from :

smalltest=# create table revoketest();
smalltest=# revoke select on revoketest from bob;
WARNING:  ignoring REVOKE FROM a missing role "bob"
smalltest=# create user bob;
smalltest=# grant select on revoketest to bob;
smalltest=# \du
                             List of roles
 Role name |                         Attributes
 bob       |
 hannuk    | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS

smalltest=# \dp
                                  Access privileges
 Schema |    Name    | Type  |   Access privileges    | Column
privileges | Policies
 public | revoketest | table | hannuk=arwdDxtm/hannuk+|                   |
        |            |       | bob=r/hannuk           |                   |
 public | vacwatch   | table |                        |                   |
(2 rows)

smalltest=# revoke select on revoketest from bob, joe;
WARNING:  ignoring REVOKE FROM a missing role "joe"
smalltest=# \dp
                                  Access privileges
 Schema |    Name    | Type  |   Access privileges    | Column
privileges | Policies
 public | revoketest | table | hannuk=arwdDxtm/hannuk |                   |
 public | vacwatch   | table |                        |                   |
(2 rows)

On Sun, May 26, 2024 at 12:05 AM Hannu Krosing <> wrote:
> On Sat, May 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM Tom Lane <> wrote:
> >
> > Hannu Krosing <> writes:
> > > Having an pg_init_privs entry referencing a non-existing user is
> > > certainly of no practical use.
> >
> > Sure, that's not up for debate.  What I think we're discussing
> > right now is
> >
> > 1. What other cases are badly handled by the pg_init_privs
> > mechanisms.
> >
> > 2. How much of that is practical to fix in v17, seeing that
> > it's all long-standing bugs and we're already past beta1.
> >
> > I kind of doubt that the answer to #2 is "all of it".
> > But perhaps we can do better than "none of it".
> Putting the fix either in pg_dump or making REVOKE tolerate
> non-existing users  would definitely be most practical / useful fixes,
> as these would actually allow pg_upgrade to v17 to work without
> changing anything in older versions.
> Currently one already can revoke a privilege that is not there in the
> first place, with the end state being that the privilege (still) does
> not exist.
> This does not even generate a warning.
> Extending this to revoking from users that do not exist does not seem
> any different on conceptual level, though I understand that
> implementation would be very different as it needs catching the user
> lookup error from a very different part of the code.
> That said, it would be better if we can have something that would be
> easy to backport something that would make pg_upgrade work for all
> supported versions.
> Making REVOKE silently ignore revoking from non-existing users would
> improve general robustness but could conceivably change behaviour if
> somebody relies on it in their workflows.
> Regards,
> Hannu
diff --git a/src/backend/catalog/aclchk.c b/src/backend/catalog/aclchk.c
index 7abf3c2a74..aff91582d7 100644
--- a/src/backend/catalog/aclchk.c
+++ b/src/backend/catalog/aclchk.c
@@ -444,6 +444,9 @@ ExecuteGrantStmt(GrantStmt *stmt)
         * Convert the RoleSpec list into an Oid list.  Note that at this point we
         * insert an ACL_ID_PUBLIC into the list if appropriate, so downstream
         * there shouldn't be any additional work needed to support this case.
+        *
+        * Allow missing grantees in case of REVOKE (!istmt.is_grant)
+        * if now valid roles found return immediately  
        foreach(cell, stmt->grantees)
@@ -456,12 +459,20 @@ ExecuteGrantStmt(GrantStmt *stmt)
                                grantee_uid = ACL_ID_PUBLIC;
-                               grantee_uid = get_rolespec_oid(grantee, false);
+                               grantee_uid = get_rolespec_oid(grantee, !istmt.is_grant);
-               istmt.grantees = lappend_oid(istmt.grantees, grantee_uid);
+               if (OidIsValid(grantee_uid))
+                       istmt.grantees = lappend_oid(istmt.grantees, grantee_uid);
+               else
+                       ereport(WARNING,
+                                       (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_ROLE_SPECIFICATION),
+                                       errmsg("ignoring REVOKE FROM a missing role \"%s\"", grantee->rolename)));
+    if (istmt.grantees == NIL)
+               return;
         * Convert stmt->privileges, a list of AccessPriv nodes, into an AclMode
         * bitmask.  Note: objtype can't be OBJECT_COLUMN.

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