On Fri, 7 Jun 2024 at 10:28, Dilip Kumar <dilipbal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 7, 2024 at 11:57 AM Matthias van de Meent
> <boekewurm+postg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, 7 Jun 2024 at 07:18, Dilip Kumar <dilipbal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 10:59 PM Matthias van de Meent
>>> <boekewurm+postg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I agree with you that we introduced the WAL_LOG strategy to avoid
>>> these force checkpoints. However, in binary upgrade cases where no
>>> operations are happening in the system, the FILE_COPY strategy should
>>> be faster.
>> While you would be correct if there were no operations happening in
>> the system, during binary upgrade we're still actively modifying
>> catalogs; and this is done with potentially many concurrent jobs. I
>> think it's not unlikely that this would impact performance.
> Maybe, but generally, long checkpoints are problematic because they
> involve a lot of I/O, which hampers overall system performance.
> However, in the case of a binary upgrade, the concurrent operations
> are only performing a schema restore, not a real data restore.
> Therefore, it shouldn't have a significant impact, and the checkpoints
> should also not do a lot of I/O during binary upgrade, right?

My primary concern isn't the IO, but the O(shared_buffers) that we
have to go through during a checkpoint. As I mentioned upthread, it is
reasonably possible the new cluster is already setup with a good
fraction of the old system's shared_buffers configured. Every
checkpoint has to scan all those buffers, which IMV can get (much)
more expensive than the IO overhead caused by the WAL_LOG strategy. It
may be a baseless fear as I haven't done the performance benchmarks
for this, but I wouldn't be surprised if shared_buffers=8GB would
measurably impact the upgrade performance in the current patch (vs the
default 128MB).

I'll note that the documentation for upgrading with pg_upgrade has the
step for updating postgresql.conf / postgresql.auto.conf only after
pg_upgrade has run already, but that may not be how it's actually
used: after all, we don't have full control in this process, the user
is the one who provides the new cluster with initdb.

>> If such a change were implemented (i.e. no checkpoints for FILE_COPY
>> in binary upgrade, with a single manual checkpoint after restoring
>> template1 in create_new_objects) I think most of my concerns with this
>> patch would be alleviated.
> Yeah, I think that's a valid point. The second checkpoint is to ensure
> that the XLOG_DBASE_CREATE_FILE_COPY never gets replayed. However, for
> binary upgrades, we don't need that guarantee because a checkpoint
> will be performed during shutdown at the end of the upgrade anyway.


Kind regards,

Matthias van de Meent
Neon (https://neon.tech)

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