
Before the advent of procedures in PostgreSQL 11 that can manage transactions, there could only be one transaction in one statement. Hence the end of the transaction also meant the end of the statement. Apparently, this is why the corresponding restriction is described differently in different places of the documentation:

"...so a query or transaction still in progress does not affect the displayed totals..."
"...counts actions taken so far within the current transaction..."

But now it's possible that several transactions are performed within one SQL statement call. At the same time, the current implementation transfers the accumulated statistics to the shared memory only at the end of the statement. These statistics data is used by automatic vacuum. Thus, in a situation where some procedure that changes data is running for a long time (e.g. an infinite event processing loop, including implementing any queues), the changes made and committed in it will not affect statistics in shared memory until the CALL statement is finished. This will not allow the autovacuum to make the right cleaning decision in time. To illustrate the described feature, I suggest to consider the example below.


We process the data in the 'test' table. The 'changes' column will show the number of row updates:

  CREATE TABLE test (changes int);

Let's insert a row into the table:


At each processing step, the value of the 'changes' column will be incremented. The processing will be performed in a long-running loop within the 'process' procedure (see below). The actions of each loop step are committed.

  CREATE PROCEDURE process() AS $$
    l_chs int;
UPDATE test SET changes = changes + 1 RETURNING changes INTO l_chs;
      RAISE NOTICE 'changes % -- upd_shared = %, upd_local = %', l_chs,
                   (SELECT n_tup_upd FROM pg_stat_all_tables
WHERE relname = 'test'), -- statistics in shared memory (considered by autovacuum)
                   (SELECT n_tup_upd FROM pg_stat_xact_all_tables
WHERE relname = 'test'); -- statistics within the operation (transaction)
  $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql

Let's call the procedure:

  CALL process();

NOTICE:  changes 1 -- upd_shared = 0, upd_local = 1
NOTICE:  changes 2 -- upd_shared = 0, upd_local = 2
NOTICE:  changes 3 -- upd_shared = 0, upd_local = 3
NOTICE:  changes 4 -- upd_shared = 0, upd_local = 4
NOTICE:  changes 5 -- upd_shared = 0, upd_local = 5
NOTICE:  changes 6 -- upd_shared = 0, upd_local = 6
NOTICE:  changes 7 -- upd_shared = 0, upd_local = 7
NOTICE:  changes 8 -- upd_shared = 0, upd_local = 8

If we now observe the cumulative statistics on the 'test' table from another session, we will see that despite the fact that there are updates and dead tuples appear, this information does not get into the shared memory:

SELECT n_tup_upd, n_dead_tup, n_ins_since_vacuum, vacuum_count, autovacuum_count FROM pg_stat_all_tables WHERE relname = 'test'
    |  n_tup_upd          | 0
    |  n_dead_tup         | 0
    |  n_ins_since_vacuum | 1
    |  vacuum_count       | 0
    |  autovacuum_count   | 0

It would be logical to remove the existing restriction, that is, to update statistics data precisely
after transaction completion, even if the operator is still working.

Regards, Igor Gnatyuk
Postgres Professional https://postgrespro.com

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