On 06/14/24 22:29, Chapman Flack wrote:
> So I should go look at our code to see what grammar we've implemented,
> exactly. It is beginning to seem as if we have simply added
> <JSON path predicate> as another choice for an expression, not restricted
> to only appearing in a filter. If so, and we add documentation about how
> we diverge from the standard, that's probably the way to say it.

That's roughly what we've done:

 119 result:
 120     mode expr_or_predicate          {
 121                                         ...
 125                                     }
 126     | /* EMPTY */                   { *result = NULL; }
 127     ;
 129 expr_or_predicate:
 130     expr                            { $$ = $1; }
 131     | predicate                     { $$ = $1; }
 132     ;

Oddly, that's only at the top-level goal production. Your entire JSON
path query we'll allow to be a predicate in lieu of an expr. We still
don't allow a predicate to appear in place of an expr within any other


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