Jelte Fennema-Nio <> writes:
> On Fri, 21 Jun 2024 at 10:46, Дмитрий Питаков <> wrote:
>> Why not increase the buffer size?

> I think changing the buffer size sounds like a reasonable idea, if
> that speeds stuff up. But I think it would greatly help your case if
> you showed the perf increase using a simple benchmark, especially if
> people could run this benchmark on their own machines to reproduce.

Yeah.  "Why not" is not a patch proposal, mainly because the correct
question is "what other size are you proposing?"

This is not something that we can just randomly whack around, either.
Both lo_import_internal and lo_export assume they can allocate the
buffer on the stack, which means you have to worry about available
stack space.  As a concrete example, I believe that musl still
defaults to 128kB thread stack size, which means that a threaded
client program on that platform would definitely fail with 
LO_BUFSIZE >= 128kB, and even 64kB would be not without risk.

We could dodge that objection by malloc'ing the buffer, which might
be a good thing to do anyway because it'd improve the odds of getting
a nicely-aligned buffer.  But then you have to make the case that the
extra malloc and free isn't a net loss, which it could be for
not-very-large transfers.

So bottom line is that you absolutely need a test case whose
performance can be measured under different conditions.

                        regards, tom lane

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