On Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 08:06:41AM +0200, Joel Jacobson wrote:
> Not sure if I see how to implement it for pg_get_acl() though.
> I've had a look at how pg_describe_object() works for this case:
> SELECT pg_describe_object(0,'t'::regclass::oid,0);
> ERROR:  unsupported object class: 0
> I suppose this is the error message we want in pg_get_acl() when
> the class ID is invalid?

Ah, and here I thought that this was also returning NULL.  My previous
work in this area only focused on the object OIDs, not their classes.
At the end, I'm OK to keep your patch as it is, checking only for the
case of pinned dependencies in pg_depend as we do for

It's still a bit confusing, but we've been living with that for years
now without anybody complaining except me, so perhaps that's fine at
the end to keep that as this is still useful.  If we change that,
applying the same rules across the board would make the most sense.

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