On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 2:19 PM Imai, Yoshikazu
<imai.yoshik...@jp.fujitsu.com> wrote:
> On Mon, July 9, 2018 at 4:44 PM, Alexander Korotkov wrote:
> > > Firstly, I did performance tests on 72-cores machines(AWS c5.18xlarge) 
> > > same as you did.
> >
> > OK.  But not that c5.18xlarge is 72-VCPU machine, which AFAIK is
> > close to the performance of 36 physical cores.
> Thanks for pointing that. I referred to /proc/cpuinfo and understood there 
> are 36 physical cores.
> > In this case it also looks like we observed 1% regression.  Despite 1%
> > may seem to be very small, I think we should clarify whether it really
> > exists.  I have at least two hypothesis about this.
> >
> > 1) There is no real regression, observed difference of TPS is less
> > than error of measurements.  In order to check that we need to retry
> > the experiment multiple times.  Also, if you run benchmark on master
> > before patched version (or vice versa) you should also try to swap the
> > order to make sure there is no influence of the order of benchmarks.
> > 2) If we consider relation between TPS and number of clients, TPS is
> > typically growing with increasing number of clients until reach some
> > saturation value.  After the saturation value, there is some
> > degradation of TPS.  If patch makes some latency lower, that my cause
> > saturation to happen earlier.  In order to check that, we need run
> > benchmarks with various number of clients and draw a graph: TPS
> > depending on clients.
> >
> > So, may I ask you to make more experiments in order to clarify the
> > observed regression?
> I experimented 2) with changing clients parameter with 18, 36, 54, 72.
> While doing experiment, I realized that results of pgbench with 36 clients 
> improve after executing pgbench with 72 clients.
> I don't know why this occurs, but anyway, in this experiment, I executed 
> pgbench with 72 clients before executing other pgbenchs. (e.g. -c 72, -c 18, 
> -c 36, -c 54, -c 72)
> I tested experiments to master and patched unorderly(e.g. master, patched, 
> patched, master, master, patched, patched, master)
> # results of changing clients(18, 36, 54, 72 clients)
> master, -c 18 -j 18:  Ave 400410 TPS (407615,393942,401845,398241)
> master, -c 36 -j 36:  Ave 415616 TPS (411939,400742,424855,424926)
> master, -c 54 -j 54:  Ave 378734 TPS (401646,354084,408044,351163)
> master, -c 72 -j 72:  Ave 360864 TPS (367718,360029,366432,349277)
> patched, -c 18 -j 18: Ave 393115 TPS (382854,396396,395530,397678)
> patched, -c 36 -j 36: Ave 390328 TPS (376100,404873,383498,396840)
> patched, -c 54 -j 54: Ave 364894 TPS (365533,373064,354250,366727)
> patched, -c 72 -j 72: Ave 353982 TPS (355237,357601,345536,357553)
> It may seem saturation is between 18 and 36 clients, so I also experimented 
> with 27 clients.
> # results of changing clients(27 clients)
> master, -c 27 -j 27:  Ave 416756 (423512,424241,399241,420030) TPS
> patched, -c 27 -j 27: Ave 413568 (410187,404291,420152,419640) TPS
> I created a graph and attached in this mail("detecting saturation.png").
> Referring to a graph, patched version's saturation happens earlier than 
> master's one as you expected.
> But even the patched version's nearly saturated TPS value has small 
> regression from the master's one, I think.
> Is there another experiments to do about this?

Thank you for the experiments!  It seems that there is real regression
here...  BTW, which script were you using in this benchmark:
script_unordered.sql or script_duplicated.sql?

Alexander Korotkov
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

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