Hi Amit,

> > I don't think you can rely on a system clock for conflict resolution.
> > In a corner case a DBA can move the clock forward or backward between
> > recordings of Ts1 and Ts2. On top of that there is no guarantee that
> > 2+ servers have synchronised clocks. It seems to me that what you are
> > proposing will just hide the problem instead of solving it in the
> > general case.
> >
> It is possible that we can't rely on the system clock for conflict
> resolution but that is not the specific point of this thread. As
> mentioned in the subject of this thread, the problem is "Commit
> Timestamp and LSN Inversion issue". The LSN value and timestamp for a
> commit are not generated atomically, so two different transactions can
> have them in different order.

Hm.... Then I'm having difficulties understanding why this is a
problem and why it was necessary to mention CDR in this context in the
first place.

OK, let's forget about CDR completely. Who is affected by the current
behavior and why would it be beneficial changing it?

Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev

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