At least [1] and [2] hit into to that issues and have an objections/questions about correctness of cost sort estimation. Suggested patch tries to improve current estimation and solve that issues.

Sorry for long delay but issue was even more complicated than I thought. When I tried to add cost_sort to GROUP BY patch I found it isn't work well as I hoped :(. The root of problem is suggested cost_sort improvement doesn't take into account uniqueness of first column and it's cost always the same. I tried to make experiments with all the same and all unique column and found that execution time could be significantly differ (up to 3 times on 1e7 randomly generated integer values). And I went to read book and papers.

So, I suggest new algorithm based on ideas in [3], [4]. In term of that papers, let I use designations from previous my email and Xi - number of tuples with key Ki, then estimation is:
log(N! / (X1! * X2! * ..))  ~  sum(Xi * log(N/Xi))
In our case all Xi are the same because now we don't have an estimation of
group sizes, we have only estimation of number of groups. In this case,
formula becomes: N * log(NumberOfGroups). Next, to support correct estimation
of multicolumn sort we need separately compute each column, so, let k is a
column number, Gk - number of groups  defined by k columns:
N * sum( FCk * log(Gk) )
and FCk is a sum(Cj) over k columns. Gk+1 is defined as estimate_num_groups(NGk) - i.e. it's recursive, that's means that comparison of k-th columns includes all comparison j-th columns < k.

Next, I found that this formula gives significant underestimate with N < 1e4 and using [5] (See Chapter 8.2 and Theorem 4.1) found that we can use N + N * log(N) formula which actually adds a multiplier in simple case but it's unclear for me how to add that multimplier to multicolumn formula, so I added just a separate term proportional to N.

As demonstration, I add result of some test, *sh and *plt are scripts to reproduce results. Note, all charts are normalized because computed cost as not a milliseconds. is a parser for JSON format of explain analyze.

N test - sort unique values with different number of tuples
NN test - same as previous one but sort of single value (all the same values)
U test - fixed number of total values (1e7) but differ number of unique values

Hope, new estimation much more close to real sort timing. New estimation function gives close result to old estimation function on trivial examples, but ~10% more expensive, and three of regression tests aren't passed, will look closer later. Patch doesn't include regression test changes.

[3], course Algorithms,
    Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne,
[4] "Quicksort Is Optimal For Many Equal Keys", Sebastian Wild,
    arXiv:1608.04906v4 [cs.DS] 1 Nov 2017
[5] "Introduction to algorithms", Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E.
     Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, ISBN 0-07-013143-0
Teodor Sigaev                                   E-mail:
diff --git a/src/backend/optimizer/path/costsize.c b/src/backend/optimizer/path/costsize.c
index a2a7e0c520..3588cff802 100644
--- a/src/backend/optimizer/path/costsize.c
+++ b/src/backend/optimizer/path/costsize.c
@@ -1612,6 +1612,252 @@ cost_recursive_union(Path *runion, Path *nrterm, Path *rterm)
+ * is_fake_var
+ *		Workaround for generate_append_tlist() which generates fake Vars with
+ *		varno == 0, that will cause a fail of estimate_num_group() call
+ */
+static bool
+is_fake_var(Expr *expr)
+	if (IsA(expr, RelabelType))
+		expr = (Expr *) ((RelabelType *) expr)->arg;
+	return (IsA(expr, Var) && ((Var *) expr)->varno == 0);
+ * get_width_cost_multiplier
+ *		Returns relative complexity of comparing two valyes based on it's width.
+ * The idea behind - long values have more expensive comparison. Return value is
+ * in cpu_operator_cost unit.
+ */
+static double
+get_width_cost_multiplier(PlannerInfo *root, Expr *expr)
+	double	width = -1.0; /* fake value */
+	if (IsA(expr, RelabelType))
+		expr = (Expr *) ((RelabelType *) expr)->arg;
+	/* Try to find actual stat in corresonding relation */
+	if (IsA(expr, Var))
+	{
+		Var		*var = (Var *) expr;
+		if (var->varno > 0 && var->varno < root->simple_rel_array_size)
+		{
+			RelOptInfo	*rel = root->simple_rel_array[var->varno];
+			if (rel != NULL &&
+				var->varattno >= rel->min_attr &&
+				var->varattno <= rel->max_attr)
+			{
+				int	ndx = var->varattno - rel->min_attr;
+				if (rel->attr_widths[ndx] > 0)
+					width = rel->attr_widths[ndx];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* Didn't find any actual stats, use estimation by type */
+	if (width < 0.0)
+	{
+		Node	*node = (Node*) expr;
+		width = get_typavgwidth(exprType(node), exprTypmod(node));
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Any value in pgsql is passed by Datum type, so any operation with value
+	 * could not be cheaper than operation with Datum type
+	 */
+	if (width <= sizeof(Datum))
+		return 1.0;
+	/*
+	 * Seems, cost of comparision is not directly proportional to args width,
+	 * because comparing args could be differ width (we known only average over
+	 * column) and difference often could be defined only by looking on first
+	 * bytes. So, use log16(width) as estimation.
+	 */
+	return 1.0 + 0.125 * LOG2(width / sizeof(Datum));
+ * compute_cpu_sort_cost
+ *		compute CPU cost of sort (i.e. in-memory)
+ *
+ * NOTE: some callers currently pass NIL for pathkeys because they
+ * can't conveniently supply the sort keys.  In this case, it will fallback to
+ * simple comparison cost estimate.
+ *
+ * Estimation algorithm is based on ideas from course Algorithms,
+ * Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne, and paper
+ * "Quicksort Is Optimal For Many Equal Keys", Sebastian Wild,
+ * arXiv:1608.04906v4 [cs.DS] 1 Nov 2017.
+ *
+ * In term of that papers, let N - number of tuples, Xi - number of tuples with
+ * key Ki, then estimation is:
+ * log(N! / (X1! * X2! * ..))  ~  sum(Xi * log(N/Xi))
+ * In our case all Xi are the same because noew we don't have an estimation of
+ * group sizes, we have only estimation of number of groups. In this case,
+ * formula becomes: N * log(NumberOfGroups). Next, to support correct estimation
+ * of multicolumn sort we need separately compute each column, so, let k is a
+ * column number, Gk - number of groups  defined by k columns:
+ * N * sum( Fk * log(Gk) )
+ * Fk is sum of functions costs for k columns.
+ */
+static Cost
+compute_cpu_sort_cost(PlannerInfo *root, List *pathkeys,
+						   Cost comparison_cost,
+						   double tuples, double output_tuples, bool heapSort)
+	Cost		per_tuple_cost = comparison_cost;
+	ListCell	*lc;
+	List		*pathkeyExprs = NIL;
+	double		tuplesPerPrevGroup = tuples;
+	bool		has_fake_var = false;
+	double		totalFuncCost = 0.0;
+	/* fallback if pathkeys is unknown */
+	if (list_length(pathkeys) == 0)
+	{
+		/*
+		 * If we'll use a bounded heap-sort keeping just K tuples in memory, for
+		 * a total number of tuple comparisons of N log2 K; but the constant
+		 * factor is a bit higher than for quicksort.  Tweak it so that the
+		 * cost curve is continuous at the crossover point.
+		 */
+		output_tuples = (heapSort) ? 2.0 * output_tuples : tuples;
+		per_tuple_cost += 2.0 * cpu_operator_cost * LOG2(output_tuples);
+		return per_tuple_cost * tuples;
+	}
+	totalFuncCost = 1.0;
+	/*
+	 * Computing total cost of sorting takes into account:
+	 * - per column comparison function cost
+	 * - we try to compute needed number of comparison per column
+	 */
+	foreach(lc, pathkeys)
+	{
+		PathKey				*pathkey = (PathKey*)lfirst(lc);
+		Cost				 funcCost = 1.0; /* fallback value */
+		EquivalenceMember	*em;
+		double				 nGroups,
+							 correctedNGroups;
+		/*
+		 * We believe than equivalence members aren't very  different, so, to
+		 * estimate cost we take just first member
+		 */
+		em = (EquivalenceMember *) linitial(pathkey->pk_eclass->ec_members);
+		if (em->em_datatype != InvalidOid)
+		{
+			Oid		sortop;
+			sortop = get_opfamily_member(pathkey->pk_opfamily,
+										 em->em_datatype, em->em_datatype,
+										 pathkey->pk_strategy);
+			if (sortop != InvalidOid)
+			{
+				Oid	funcOid = get_opcode(sortop);
+				funcCost = get_func_cost(funcOid);
+			}
+		}
+		/* Try to take into account actual width fee */
+		funcCost *= get_width_cost_multiplier(root, em->em_expr);
+		totalFuncCost += funcCost;
+		/* remeber if we have a fake var in pathkeys */
+		has_fake_var |= is_fake_var(em->em_expr);
+		pathkeyExprs = lappend(pathkeyExprs, em->em_expr);
+		/*
+		 * Prevent call estimate_num_groups() with fake Var. Note,
+		 * pathkeyExprs contains only previous columns
+		 */
+		if (has_fake_var == false)
+			/*
+			 * Recursively defin number of group in group from previous step
+			 */
+			nGroups = estimate_num_groups(root, pathkeyExprs,
+										  tuplesPerPrevGroup, NULL);
+		else if (tuples > 4.0)
+			/*
+			 * Use geometric mean as estimation if there is no any stats.
+			 * Don't use DEFAULT_NUM_DISTINCT because it used for only one
+			 * column while here we try to estimate number of groups over
+			 * set of columns.
+			 */
+			nGroups = ceil(2.0 + sqrt(tuples) *
+				list_length(pathkeyExprs) / list_length(pathkeys));
+		else
+			nGroups = tuples;
+		if (heapSort)
+		{
+			if (tuplesPerPrevGroup < output_tuples)
+				/* comparing only inside output_tuples */
+				correctedNGroups =
+					ceil(2.0 * output_tuples / (tuplesPerPrevGroup / nGroups));
+			else
+				/* two groups - in output and out */
+				correctedNGroups = 2.0;
+		}
+		else
+			correctedNGroups = nGroups;
+		per_tuple_cost += totalFuncCost * LOG2(correctedNGroups);
+		/*
+		 * Real-world distribution isn't uniform but now we don't have a way to
+		 * determine that, so, add multiplier to get closer to worst case.
+		 */
+		tuplesPerPrevGroup = ceil(1.5 * tuples / nGroups);
+		if (tuplesPerPrevGroup > tuples)
+			tuplesPerPrevGroup = tuples;
+		/*
+		 * We could skip all followed columns for cost estimation, because we
+		 * believe that tuples are unique by set ot previous columns
+		 */
+		if (tuples <= nGroups)
+			break;
+	}
+	list_free(pathkeyExprs);
+	/* per_tuple_cost is in cpu_operator_cost units */
+	per_tuple_cost *= cpu_operator_cost;
+	/*
+	 * Accordingly to "Introduction to algorithms", Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E.
+	 * Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, ISBN 0-07-013143-0, quicksort estimation
+	 * formula has additional term proportional to number of tuples (See Chapter
+	 * 8.2 and Theorem 4.1). It has meaning with low number of tuples,
+	 * approximately less that 1e4. Of course, it could be inmplemented as
+	 * additional multiplier under logarithm, but use more complicated formula
+	 * which takes into account number of unique tuples and it isn't clear how
+	 * to combine multiplier with groups. Estimate it as 10 in cpu_operator_cost
+	 * unit.
+	 */
+	per_tuple_cost += 10 * cpu_operator_cost;
+	return tuples * per_tuple_cost;
  * cost_sort
  *	  Determines and returns the cost of sorting a relation, including
@@ -1628,7 +1874,7 @@ cost_recursive_union(Path *runion, Path *nrterm, Path *rterm)
  * number of initial runs formed and M is the merge order used by tuplesort.c.
  * Since the average initial run should be about sort_mem, we have
  *		disk traffic = 2 * relsize * ceil(logM(p / sort_mem))
- *		cpu = comparison_cost * t * log2(t)
+ * and cpu cost computed by compute_cpu_sort_cost().
  * If the sort is bounded (i.e., only the first k result tuples are needed)
  * and k tuples can fit into sort_mem, we use a heap method that keeps only
@@ -1649,13 +1895,6 @@ cost_recursive_union(Path *runion, Path *nrterm, Path *rterm)
  * 'comparison_cost' is the extra cost per comparison, if any
  * 'sort_mem' is the number of kilobytes of work memory allowed for the sort
  * 'limit_tuples' is the bound on the number of output tuples; -1 if no bound
- *
- * NOTE: some callers currently pass NIL for pathkeys because they
- * can't conveniently supply the sort keys.  Since this routine doesn't
- * currently do anything with pathkeys anyway, that doesn't matter...
- * but if it ever does, it should react gracefully to lack of key data.
- * (Actually, the thing we'd most likely be interested in is just the number
- * of sort keys, which all callers *could* supply.)
 cost_sort(Path *path, PlannerInfo *root,
@@ -1682,9 +1921,6 @@ cost_sort(Path *path, PlannerInfo *root,
 	if (tuples < 2.0)
 		tuples = 2.0;
-	/* Include the default cost-per-comparison */
-	comparison_cost += 2.0 * cpu_operator_cost;
 	/* Do we have a useful LIMIT? */
 	if (limit_tuples > 0 && limit_tuples < tuples)
@@ -1713,7 +1949,9 @@ cost_sort(Path *path, PlannerInfo *root,
 		 * Assume about N log2 N comparisons
-		startup_cost += comparison_cost * tuples * LOG2(tuples);
+		startup_cost += compute_cpu_sort_cost(root, pathkeys,
+											  comparison_cost, tuples,
+											  tuples, false);
 		/* Disk costs */
@@ -1729,18 +1967,17 @@ cost_sort(Path *path, PlannerInfo *root,
 	else if (tuples > 2 * output_tuples || input_bytes > sort_mem_bytes)
-		/*
-		 * We'll use a bounded heap-sort keeping just K tuples in memory, for
-		 * a total number of tuple comparisons of N log2 K; but the constant
-		 * factor is a bit higher than for quicksort.  Tweak it so that the
-		 * cost curve is continuous at the crossover point.
-		 */
-		startup_cost += comparison_cost * tuples * LOG2(2.0 * output_tuples);
+		/* We'll use a bounded heap-sort keeping just K tuples in memory. */
+		startup_cost += compute_cpu_sort_cost(root, pathkeys,
+											  comparison_cost, tuples,
+											  output_tuples, true);
 		/* We'll use plain quicksort on all the input tuples */
-		startup_cost += comparison_cost * tuples * LOG2(tuples);
+		startup_cost += compute_cpu_sort_cost(root, pathkeys,
+											  comparison_cost, tuples,
+											  tuples, false);

Description: Perl program

set logscale x
set logscale y
set ylabel 'normalized cost for theory and time for experiment'
set xlabel 'N tuples'
plot 'N.dat' using 1:($3) with lines title 'experiment', 'N.dat' using 
1:($2/(191)) with lines title 'theory'

Description: application/shellscript

set logscale y
set logscale x
set ylabel 'normalized cost for theory and time for experiment'
set xlabel 'N tuples'
plot 'NN.dat' using 1:($3) with lines title 'experiment', 'NN.dat' using 
1:($2/(90)) with lines title 'theory'

Description: application/shellscript

set logscale x
set ylabel 'normalized cost for theory and time for experiment'
set xlabel 'N unique tuples (total 1e7)'
plot 'U.dat' using 1:($3) with lines title 'experiment', 'U.dat' using 
1:($2/(215)) with lines title 'theory'

Description: application/shellscript

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