> One thing where I can see a feature like this being quite helpful is
> planned failovers, reducing the time to reconnect (for existing
> connections) and rediscover (for new connections, which need to
> write). But that'd require that the redirect needs to be able to be sent
> in an established connection too.
Somewhat related to this feature is the notion of giving a hint as to
whether a connection is read only.

Currently we can create a read only transaction which at this point pgpool
through some machinations which are less than favourable IMO
can connect to a secondary. This even works with the JDBC driver which has
setReadOnly facility on connections.

However it would be far better to have a startup parameter which indicated
that we wanted to connect to a read only database. At that point
pools could redirect to a secondary. Given the proliferation of cloud based
implementations I can see this being a useful feature.


Dave Cramer

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