On Mon, Sep 30, 2024 at 6:38 AM Antonin Houska <a...@cybertec.at> wrote:
> Jacob Champion <jacob.champ...@enterprisedb.com> wrote:
> > On Fri, Sep 27, 2024 at 10:58 AM Antonin Houska <a...@cybertec.at> wrote:
> > That's why people are so pedantic about saying that OAuth is an
> > authorization framework and not an authentication framework.
> This statement alone sounds as if you missed *authentication*, but you seem to
> admit above that the /userinfo endpoint provides it ("tells you who the end
> user is"). I agree that it does. My understanding is that this endpoint, as
> well as the concept of "claims" and "scopes", is introduced by OpenID, which
> is an *authentication* framework, although it's built on top of OAuth.

OpenID is an authentication framework, but it's generally focused on a
type of client known as a Relying Party. In the architecture of this
patchset, the Relying Party would be libpq, which has the option of
retrieving authentication claims from the provider. Unfortunately for
us, libpq has no use for those claims. It's not trying to authenticate
the user for its own purposes.

The Postgres server, on the other hand, is not a Relying Party. (It's
an OAuth resource server, in this architecture.) It's not performing
any of the OIDC flows, it's not talking to the end user and the
provider at the same time, and it is very restricted in its ability to
influence the client exchange via the SASL mechanism.

> Regarding *authorization*, I agree that the bearer token may not contain
> enough information to determine whether the owner of the token is allowed to
> access the database. However, I consider database a special kind of
> "application", which can handle authorization on its own. In this case, the
> authorization can be controlled by (not) assigning the user the LOGIN
> attribute, as well as by (not) granting it privileges on particular database
> objects. In short, I think that *authentication* is all we need.

Authorizing the *end user's* access to the database using scopes is
optional. Authorizing the *bearer's* ability to connect on behalf of
the end user, however, is mandatory. Hopefully the below clarifies.

(I agree that most people probably want to use authentication, so that
the database can then make decisions based on HBA settings. OIDC is a
fine way to do that.)

> Are you sure you can legitimately acquire the bearer token containing my email
> address?

Yes. In general that's how OpenID-based "Sign in with <Service>"
works. All those third-party services are running around with tokens
that identify you, but unless they've asked for more abilities and
you've granted them the associated scopes, identifying you is all they
can do.

> I think the email address returned by the /userinfo endpoint is one
> of the standard claims [1]. Thus by returning the particular value of "email"
> from the endpoint the identity provider asserts that the token owner does have
> this address.

We agree that /userinfo gives authentication claims for the end user.
It's just insufficient for our use case.

For example, there are enterprise applications out there that will ask
for read access to your Google Calendar. If you're willing to grant
that, then you probably won't mind if those applications also know
your email address, but you probably do mind if they're suddenly able
to access your production databases just because you gave them your

Put another way: if you log into Postgres using OAuth, and your
provider doesn't show you a big message saying "this application is
about to access *your* prod database using *your* identity; do you
want to allow that?", then your DBA has deployed a really dangerous
configuration. That's a critical protection feature you get from your
OAuth provider. Otherwise, what's stopping somebody else from setting
up their own malicious service to farm access tokens? All they'd have
to do is ask for your email.

> Another question, assuming the token verification is resolved somehow:
> wouldn't it be sufficient for the initial implementation if the client could
> pass the bearer token to libpq in the connection string?

It was discussed wayyy upthread:


Basically, at that point the entire implementation becomes an exercise
for the reader. I want to avoid that if possible. I'm not adamantly
opposed to it, but I think the client-side hook implementation is
going to be better for the use cases that have been discussed so far.

> Also, if libpq accepted the bearer token via the connection string, it would
> be possible to implement the authorization as a separate front-end application
> (e.g. pg_oauth_login) rather than adding more complexity to libpq itself.

The application would still need to parse the server error response.
There was (a small) consensus at the time [1] that parsing error
messages for that purpose would be really unpleasant; hence the hook

> (I'm learning this stuff on-the-fly, so there might be something naive in my
> comments.)

No worries! Please keep the questions coming; this OAuth architecture
is unintuitive, and I need to be able to defend it.



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