The following review has been posted through the commitfest application:
make installcheck-world:  tested, passed
Implements feature:       tested, passed
Spec compliant:           not tested
Documentation:            not tested

This patch applied cleanly and worked as expected.

Patch description:
This patch implements the use of heap_multi_insert() for partition tables when 
using the COPY FROM command, benefiting the performance of COPY FROM in cases 
in which multiple tuples in the file are destined for the same partition.

All tests passed make check-world and TAP tests

Specifically, we tried the cases in the bottom section "Exercising the code" 
and found all behavior as described and expected.
Note that we did conduct performance testing for our test cases enumerated in 
this section using COPY FROM PROGRAM comparing the patched and unpatched code 
using one example with tuples all destined for the same partition and one 
example with tuples destined for alternating partitions. We saw a similar 
performance improvement to the one recorded by David in his email, including a 
decrease in performance for copying data with tuples alternating between 
destination partitions as compared to the unpatched code. 
However, in our cases below, we focus on exercising the code added as opposed 
to on performance.

Feature feedback from a user perspective:
There will be two differences in performance that may be perceptible to the 
user after the inclusion of this patch:
1) the relatively small decrease in performance (as compared to master) for 
copying data from a file or program in which the destination partition changes 
2) the stark contrast between the performance of copying data destined for the 
same partition and data destined for alternating partitions
Based on the numbers in David's email the performance difference 
27721.054 ms patched for copying data destined for the same partition vs 
46151.844 ms patched for copying data destined for two different partitions 
alternating each row
Because both differences could impact users in data loading, it is worth 
considering making this transparent to the user in some way. Because this will 
be noticeable to the user, and, furthermore, because it is potentially within 
the power of the user to make changes to their data copying strategy given this 
information, it might be prudent to either create a GUC allowing the user to 
disable heap_multi_insert for COPY FROM (if the user knows the data he/she is 
copying over is very varied) or to add a comment to the docs that when using 
COPY FROM for a partition table, it is advisable to sort the data in some 
manner which would optimize the number of consecutive tuples destined for the 
same partition.

Code Review:
Naming of newly introduced enum:
The CopyInsertMethod enum value CIM_MULTI_PARTITION is potentially confusing, 
since, for a partition table with BEFORE or INSTEAD INSERT triggers on child 
partitions only heap_insert is valid, requiring the additional variable 
part_can_multi_insert to determine if heap_multi_insert can be used or not.
It might be more clear to name it something that indicates it is a candidate 
for multi-insertion, pending further review. This decouples the state of 
potentially applicable multi-insertion from the table being a partition table. 
In the future, perhaps, some other feature might make a table conditionally 
eligible for multi-insertion of tuples, so, it may be desirable to use this 
intermediate state for other kinds of tables as well.
Alternatively, it might make it more clear if the variable 
part_can_multi_insert was clearly for a leaf partition table, since this can 
change from leaf to leaf, maybe named leaf_part_can_multi_insert

Code comment potential typo corrections:
In the following comment, in the patched code line 2550
     /* ... 
     * Note: It does not matter if any partitions have any volatile default
     * expression as we use the defaults from the target of the COPY command.
It seems like "volatile default expression" should be "volatile default 

In the following comment, in the patched code starting on line 2582

        /* ...
         * the same partition as the previous tuple, and since we flush the
         * previous partitions buffer once the new tuple has already been
         * built, we're unable to reset the estate since we'd free the memory
         * which the new tuple is stored.  To work around this we maintain a
         * secondary expression context and alternate between these when the
         ... */
"previous partitions" should probably be "previous partition's" and 
"since we'd free the memory which the new tuple is stored" should be "since 
we'd free the memory in which the new tuple is stored"

In the following comment, in the patched code starting on line 2769

                 * We'd better make the bulk insert mechanism gets a new
                 * buffer when the partition being inserted into changes.
"We'd better make the bulk insert mechanism..." should be "We'd better make 
sure the bulk insert mechanism..."

Code comment clarification 1:
In the patched code, starting on line 2553, the addition of the new OR 
condition makes this if statement very difficult to parse as a reader. It would 
be helpful to the reader if the comment above it was partially inlined in the 
if statement--e.g.
    if (
        /* relation has either a row-level insert trigger or an insert instead 
of trigger */
        (resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc != NULL &&
         (resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc->trig_insert_before_row ||
          resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc->trig_insert_instead_row)) ||
          /* relation is a partition table with a statement-level insert 
trigger */
        (proute != NULL && resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc != NULL &&
         resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc->trig_insert_new_table) ||
        /* relation is a foreign table or has volatile default expressions */ 
        resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine != NULL ||

Code comment clarification 2:
Starting with patched code line 2689 and ending on line 2766, there are several 
comments we found confusing:

In the following comment, in the patched code starting on line 2740, 
                 * Save the old ResultRelInfo and switch to the one
                 * corresponding to the selected partition.
upon initially reading this comment, we thought "saving the old ResultRelInfo" 
meant saving the relinfo of the partition from which we are switching, however, 
it seems like that is happening above on line 2691, and, that that partition 
from which we are switching is not the sibling partition but the parent 
partition and that we do not, in fact, need to "switch" the resultRelInfo from 
one sibling to another. Related to this, on walking through the code with the 
partition table described in the DDL below (table foo(a int) in the section 
"Exercising the code")
and copying the following data from a file 4 4 7 7 11 11 7 7 4 4, we found that 
the variable saved_resultRelInfo first set on line 2689
        saved_resultRelInfo = resultRelInfo;
is always the parent partition rather than a sibling. Perhaps 
saved_resultRelInfo could be named something like parent_resultRelInfo, if this 
is a correct understanding of the code.
Or, if this is an incorrect understanding of the code, perhaps a comment could 
clarify this.

In fact, on line 2744, it appears we are "saving" the information for the leaf 
partition for which the current tuple is destined into the 
proute->partitions[]. It would be helpful to clarify this, perhaps with a 
comment to the effect of "it the destined partition has not already had its 
information initialized and saved into the proute->partitions list, do so now"

So, overall, we feel that the code from lines 2689 until 2691 and from 2740 to 
2766 could use further clarification with regard to switching from parent to 
child partition and sibling to sibling partition as well as regarding saving 
relinfo for partitions that have not been seen before in the 

Exercising the code:
-- DDL to create a partition table
CREATE TABLE foo(a int) partition by range (a);
CREATE TABLE foo_prt1 partition of foo for values from (1) to (5);
CREATE TABLE foo_prt2 partition of foo for values from (5) to (10);
CREATE TABLE foo_prt_default partition of foo DEFAULT;

-- Case 1 
-- a simple partition table
-- copying a file containing the following values for foo(a) : 4 4 7 7 11 11 7 
7 4 4 in file 'f.csv'
COPY foo FROM 'f.csv';
-- we see that the insertMethod value is correctly set to CIM_MULTI_PARTITION
-- the value of part_can_multi_insert is true for each of the leaf partitions
-- heap_multi_insert is called to insert data into these leaf partitions

-- Case 2
-- a partition table with a statement level insert trigger
-- DDL to create the statement level insert trigger
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION parent_stmt_insert_function() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

CREATE TRIGGER parent_stmt_trig
    FOR EACH STATEMENT execute procedure parent_stmt_insert_function();

-- copying a file containing the following values for foo(a) : 4 4 7 7 11 11 7 
7 4 4 in file 'f.csv'
COPY foo FROM 'f.csv';
-- we see that the value of insertMethod is correctly set to CIM_SINGLE due to 
the statement level insert trigger
-- heap_insert is called to insert data into these leaf partitions

-- Case 3
-- a partition table with a row-level before insert trigger on exactly one 
child partition out of 3
-- DDL to create the row level before insert trigger on one child partition 
which executes a function that inserts data into default partition
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS parent_stmt_insert_function CASCADE;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

CREATE TRIGGER child_row_trig
  FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE child_row_insert_function();
-- copying a file containing the following values for foo(a) : 4 4 7 7 11 11 7 
7 4 4 in file 'f.csv'
COPY foo FROM 'f.csv';
-- we see that the insertMethod value is set to CIM_MULTI_PARTITION
-- the value of part_can_multi_insert is false for foo_prt1, true for foo_prt2, 
and true for foo_prt_default
-- heap_multi_insert is called for foo_prt2 and foo_prt_default (for the rows 
inserted by COPY)
-- heap_insert is called for foo_prt1
-- heap_insert is called for the rows inserted by our row-level trigger into 

-- Case 4
-- a partition table with a row-level after insert trigger on the root partition
-- DDL to create the row-level after insert trigger on the root
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS parent_stmt_insert_function CASCADE;
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS child_row_insert_function CASCADE;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

CREATE TRIGGER parent_row_trig
    FOR EACH ROW execute procedure parent_row_insert_function();
-- copying a file containing the following values for foo(a) : 4 4 7 7 11 11 7 
7 4 4 in file 'f.csv'
COPY foo FROM 'f.csv';
-- we see that the insertMethod is CIM_MULTI_PARTITION
-- foo_prt1, foo_prt2, and foo_prt_default have part_can_multi_insert as true

Melanie & Karen

The new status of this patch is: Waiting on Author

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