This is reproducible with PG11 and PG12:

initdb -k data
postgres -D data

make installcheck
# shut down postgres with Ctrl-C

pg_verify_checksums data

pg_verify_checksums: checksum verification failed in file
"data/base/16384/28647", block 65: calculated checksum DC70 but expected 0
pg_verify_checksums: checksum verification failed in file
"data/base/16384/28649", block 65: calculated checksum 89D8 but expected 0
pg_verify_checksums: checksum verification failed in file
"data/base/16384/28648", block 65: calculated checksum 9636 but expected 0
Checksum scan completed
Data checksum version: 1
Files scanned:  2493
Blocks scanned: 13172
Bad checksums:  3

The files in question correspond to


Discuss. ;-)

Peter Eisentraut    
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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