
In my case. I tested with ibm power 8 and 9 computers. And it did not go
very well (Support teams Mexico / Spain / United States), tried to optimize
without giving more performance.

I have intel computers and what I see is that you have 2 core and if you do
not see badly you have a bit of ram. What worked for me was to give more
core per operational load and more memory. (Clarifying that I have a lot of
operational load). Try assigning more.

I hope and serve you.






De: ROS Didier [mailto:didier....@edf.fr] 
Enviado el: viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2018 04:53 a. m.
Para: tony.r...@atos.net; pgsql-hack...@postgresql.org
Asunto: RE: impact of SPECTRE and MELTDOWN patches 




No, 80% of our IT infrastructure is INTEL HW. 

Have you any recommendations to correct the impact on the performance ?


Best Regards


Didier ROS
Expertise SGBD
DS IT/IT DMA/Solutions Groupe EDF/Expertise Applicative - SGBD
Nanterre Picasso - E2 565D (aile nord-est)
32 Avenue Pablo Picasso
92000 Nanterre

 <mailto:didier....@edf.fr> didier....@edf.fr
 <mailto:support-postgres-nive...@edf.fr> support-postgres-nive...@edf.fr
 <mailto:support-oracle-nive...@edf.fr> support-oracle-nive...@edf.fr
Tél. : 01 78 66 61 14
Tél. mobile : 06 49 51 11 88
Lync :  <sip:ros.did...@edf.fr> ros.did...@edf.fr



De : tony.r...@atos.net <mailto:tony.r...@atos.net>
Envoyé : vendredi 21 septembre 2018 11:48
À : ROS Didier <didier....@edf.fr <mailto:didier....@edf.fr> >;
pgsql-hack...@postgresql.org <mailto:pgsql-hack...@postgresql.org> 
Objet : RE: impact of SPECTRE and MELTDOWN patches 




So, it isIntel HW.

Have you experimented too with Power HW?





Tony Reix

tony.r...@atos.net <mailto:tony.r...@atos.net> 

ATOS Expert
IBM Coop Architect & Technical Leader

Office : +33 (0) 4 76 29 72 67

1 rue de Provence - 38432 Échirolles - France

> www.atos.net


De : ROS Didier <didier....@edf.fr <mailto:didier....@edf.fr> >
Envoyé : vendredi 21 septembre 2018 11:40:15
À : REIX, Tony; pgsql-hack...@postgresql.org
Objet : RE: impact of SPECTRE and MELTDOWN patches 



Here is the HW information :


[root@pcyyymm9 ~]# cat /proc/cpuinfo

processor       : 0

vendor_id       : GenuineIntel

cpu family      : 6

model           : 62

model name      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-4610 v2 @ 2.30GHz

stepping        : 4

microcode       : 0x427

cpu MHz         : 2300.000

cache size      : 16384 KB

physical id     : 0

siblings        : 2

core id         : 0

cpu cores       : 2

apicid          : 0

initial apicid  : 0

fpu             : yes

fpu_exception   : yes

cpuid level     : 13

wp              : yes

flags           : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca
cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht syscall nx rdtscp lm
constant_tsc arch_perfmon nopl xtopology tsc_reliable nonstop_tsc aperfmperf
eagerfpu pni pclmulqdq ssse3 cx16 pcid sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic popcnt aes xsave
avx f16c rdrand hypervisor lahf_lm epb fsgsbase smep dtherm ida arat pln pts

bogomips        : 4600.00

clflush size    : 64

cache_alignment : 64

address sizes   : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual


[root@pcyyymm9 ~]# free -m

              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache

Mem:          15877        4879         226        3029       10772

Swap:          2047         107        1940


[root@pcyyymm9 ~]# uname -a

Linux pcyyymm9.pcy.edfgdf.fr 3.10.0-862.6.3.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Jun 15
17:57:37 EDT 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


Best regards


Didier ROS
Expertise SGBD
DS IT/IT DMA/Solutions Groupe EDF/Expertise Applicative - SGBD
Nanterre Picasso - E2 565D (aile nord-est)
32 Avenue Pablo Picasso
92000 Nanterre

 <mailto:didier....@edf.fr> didier....@edf.fr



De : tony.r...@atos.net <mailto:tony.r...@atos.net>
Envoyé : vendredi 21 septembre 2018 11:24
À : ROS Didier <didier....@edf.fr <mailto:didier....@edf.fr> >;
pgsql-hack...@postgresql.org <mailto:pgsql-hack...@postgresql.org> 
Objet : RE: impact of SPECTRE and MELTDOWN patches 




Which HW have you experimented with?





Tony Reix

tony.r...@atos.net <mailto:tony.r...@atos.net> 

ATOS Expert
IBM Coop Architect & Technical Leader

Office : +33 (0) 4 76 29 72 67

1 rue de Provence - 38432 Échirolles - France

> www.atos.net



De : ROS Didier <didier....@edf.fr <mailto:didier....@edf.fr> >
Envoyé : jeudi 20 septembre 2018 09:23
À : pgsql-hack...@postgresql.org <mailto:pgsql-hack...@postgresql.org> 
Objet : impact of SPECTRE and MELTDOWN patches 



               I would like to know what are the recommendation to resolve
the problem of performance impact after applying the SPECTRE and MELTDOWN
patches ? 

               Do we have to add more CPUs ?


               NB : I have tested on one of our production database and I
get an impact of ~25%... Do you have such a result ?


               Thanks in advance.


Best Regards


Didier ROS
Expertise SGBD
DS IT/IT DMA/Solutions Groupe EDF/Expertise Applicative - SGBD
Nanterre Picasso - E2 565D (aile nord-est)
32 Avenue Pablo Picasso
92000 Nanterre

 <mailto:didier....@edf.fr> didier....@edf.fr



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