Hello hackers,

Some people like to use DNS SRV records to advertise LDAP servers on
their network.  Microsoft Active Directory is usually (always?) set up
that way.  Here is a patch to allow our LDAP auth module to support
that kind of discovery.  It copies the convention of the OpenLDAP
command line tools: if you give it a URL that has no hostname, it'll
try to extract a domain name from the bind DN, and then ask your DNS
server for a SRV record for LDAP-over-TCP at that domain.  The
OpenLDAP version of libldap.so exports the magic to do that, so the
patch is very small (but the infrastructure set-up to test it is a bit
of a schlep, see below).  I'll add this to the next Commitfest.

Testing instructions for (paths and commands given for FreeBSD, adjust
as appropriate):

1.  Install BIND:

$ sudo pkg install bind99

2.  Define a new zone for testing, by adding the following to the end
of /usr/local/etc/namedb/named.conf:

===== 8< =====
zone "my.test.domain" {
        type master;
        file "/usr/local/etc/namedb/master/my.test.domain";
===== 8< =====

3.  Create that zone file in /usr/local/etc/namedb/master/my.test.domain:

===== 8< =====
$TTL    10
@       IN      SOA     ns.my.test.domain. admin.my.test.domain. (
                              2         ; Serial
                         604800         ; Refresh
                          86400         ; Retry
                        2419200         ; Expire
                         604800 )       ; Negative Cache TTL
        IN      NS      ns.my.test.domain.
ns.my.test.domain.      IN      A
my.test.domain.         IN      A
ldap-server.my.test.domain.             IN      A
_ldap._tcp.my.test.domain.      IN      SRV     0       0       389
===== 8< =====

4.  Start up bind:

# service named onestart

5.  Confirm that SRV lookups find our record:

$ dig @localhost _ldap._tcp.my-domain.com SRV
_ldap._tcp.my-domain.com. 10    IN      SRV     0 0 389

6.  Tell your system libraries to use this DNS server by temporarily
changing /etc/resolv.conf to say:

===== 8< =====
===== 8< =====

7.  Confirm that the OpenLDAP tools can look that SRV record up:

$ ldapsearch -H 'ldap:///ou%3Dblah%2Cdc%3Dmy-domain%2Cdc%3Dcom'

(That's "ou=blah,dc=my-domain,dc=com" URL-encoded, from which
"my-domain.com" will be extracted.)  You should see that it's trying
to connect to ldap-server port 389, and you can stick 'x' on the end
of it to see what it looks like when it can't find a SRV record, as a
sanity check:

$ ldapsearch -H 'ldap:///ou%3Dblah%2Cdc%3Dmy-domain%2Cdc%3Dcomx'
DNS SRV: Could not turn domain=my-domain.comx into a hostlist

8.  Set up an LDAP server listening on localhost port 389, and create
a user, such that you can actually authenticate from PostgreSQL with
it.  Gory details omitted.  First test that you can log in with LDAP
authentication when using a pg_hba.conf line like this:

host all fred ldap

9.  Next apply the patch and verify that you can take out the hostname
and let it be discovered via DNS SRV:

host all fred ldap ldapurl="ldap:///dc=my-domain,dc=com?cn?sub";

(You can stick some elog(LOG, ...) lines into
InitializeLDAPConnection() if you want to check that
ldap_domain2hostlist() is in fact finding the hostname and port.)

This is a first draft.  Not tested much yet.  I wonder if
HAVE_LDAP_INITIALIZE is a reasonable way to detact OpenLDAP.  The
documentation was written in about 7 seconds so probably needs work.
There is probably a Windowsy way to do this too but I didn't look into

Thomas Munro

Attachment: 0001-Add-DNS-SRV-support-for-LDAP-server-discovery.patch
Description: Binary data

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