
I propose we remove the deprecated exclusive backup mode of pg_start_backup()/pg_stop_backup() for Postgres 12.

The exclusive backup mode has a serious known issue. If Postgres terminates ungracefully during a backup (due to hardware, kernel, Postgres issues, etc.) then Postgres may refuse to restart.

The reason is that the backup_label file will usually reference a checkpoint LSN that is older than the WAL available in pg_wal. Postgres does emit a helpful error message while PANIC'ing but that's cold comfort to an admin who must manually intervene to get their cluster operational again.

The deprecated exclusive mode promises to make a difficult problem simple but doesn't live up to that promise. That's why it was replaced externally in 9.6 and why pg_basebackup has not used exclusive backups since it was introduced in 9.2.

Non-exclusive backups have been available since 9.6 and several third-party solutions support this mode, in addition to pg_basebackup.

The recently introduced recovery changes will break current automated solutions so this seems like a good opportunity to make improvements on the backup side as well.

I'll submit a patch for the 2019-01 commitfest.


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