On 2018-12-16 16:52, Tom Lane wrote:
Erik Rijkers <e...@xs4all.nl> writes:
On 2018-12-16 07:03, Tom Lane wrote:
Um ... this example works for me, in both HEAD and v11 branch tip.
Moreover, the behavior you describe is exactly what ffa4cbd623 was
intended to fix.  Is there any chance that you got 11.1 and v11
branch tip mixed up?

[ nope ]
On the other hand, in that test.sh, have you tried enlarging the test

Yeah, I tried sizes ranging up to 1m tuples without success.

However, something else occurred to me this morning, and a bit
later I can reproduce the problem!  I did it by changing the
table's definition to use a shell pipeline:

     program       'unzip -p \"/tmp/t.zip\" \"tmp/t.txt\" | cat'

ERROR:  program "unzip -p "/tmp/t.zip" "tmp/t.txt" | cat" failed
DETAIL:  child process exited with exit code 141


Adding that ' | cat' tail makes all 3 instances (that I have tried) fail:
  11.1 as released,
  REL_11_STABLE, and
  instance from d56e0fde

/bin/sh seems to be dash, here.

bash version is:
$ /bin/bash --version
GNU bash, version 4.4.12(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

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