>From: Jamison, Kirk [mailto:k.jami...@jp.fujitsu.com]

>On the other hand, the simplest method I thought that could also work is to 
>only cache
>the file size (nblock) in shared memory, not in the backend process, since 
>both nblock
>and relsize_change_counter are uint32 data type anyway. If 
>can be changed without lock, then nblock can be changed without lock, is it 
>right? In
>that case, nblock can be accessed directly in shared memory. In this case, is 
>relation size necessary to be cached in backend?

(Aside from which idea is better.. )
If you want to put relation size on the shared memory, then I don't think 
caches in backend 
is necessary because every time relation_size is updated you need to invalidate 
in backends. At the reference taking shared lock on the cache and at the update 
exclusive lock is simple without backend cache. 

>(2) Is the MdSharedData temporary or permanent in shared memory?
That data structure seems to initialize at the time of InitPostgre, which means 
it's permanent
because postgres-initialized-shared-memory doesn't have a chance to drop it as 
far as I know.
(If you want to use temporary data structure, then other mechanism like 
dsm/dsa/dshash is a candidate.)

Takeshi Ideriha

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