
I'm trying to use random_zipfian() for benchmarking of skewed data sets,
and I ran head-first into an issue with rather excessive CPU costs.

Consider an example like this:

  pgbench -i -s 10000 test

  pgbench -s 10000 -f zipf.sql -T 30 test

where zipf.sql does this:

  \SET id random_zipfian(1, 100000 * :scale, 0.1)
  SELECT * FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :id;

Unfortunately, this produces something like this:

  transaction type: zipf.sql
  scaling factor: 10000
  query mode: simple
  number of clients: 1
  number of threads: 1
  duration: 30 s
  number of transactions actually processed: 1
  latency average = 43849.143 ms
  tps = 0.022805 (including connections establishing)
  tps = 0.022806 (excluding connections establishing)

which is somewhat ... not great, I guess. This happens because
generalizedHarmonicNumber() does this:

        for (i = n; i > 1; i--)
                ans += pow(i, -s);

where n happens to be 1000000000 (range passed to random_zipfian), so
the loop takes quite a bit of time. So much that we only ever complete a
single transaction, because this work happens in the context of the
first transction, and so it counts into the 30-second limit.

The docs actually do mention performance of this function:

    The function's performance is poor for parameter values close and
    above 1.0 and on a small range.

But that does not seem to cover the example I just posted, because 0.1
is not particularly close to 1.0 (or above 1.0), and 1e9 values hardly
counts as "small range".

I see this part of random_zipfian comes from "Quickly Generating
Billion-Record Synthetic Databases" which deals with generating data
sets, where wasting a bit of time is not a huge deal. But when running
benchmarks it matters much more. So maybe there's a disconnect here?

Interestingly enough, I don't see this issue on values above 1.0, no
matter how close to 1.0 those are. Although the throughput seems lower
than with uniform access, so this part of random_zipfian is not quite
cheap either.

Now, I don't know what to do about this. Ideally, we'd have a faster
algorithm to generate zipfian distributions - I don't know if such thing
exists though. Or maybe we could precompute the distribution first, not
counting it into the benchmark duration.

But I guess the very least we can/should do is improving the docs to
make it more obvious which cases are expected to be slow.


Tomas Vondra                  http://www.2ndQuadrant.com
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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