
* Robert Haas ( wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 25, 2019 at 11:09 AM Stephen Frost <> wrote:
> > I do think we can ask that people who wish to have a capability included
> > in PG (or continue to be included when there are serious known issues
> > with it...) be prepared to either build and maintain it themselves or to
> > convince someone else to do so (or both, and have a committer agree to
> > it).  That's how we've long operated and it wasn't my intent to imply
> > otherwise, but I agree that I could have said it in a nicer way to avoid
> > it coming across as telling Christophe what to do.
> I think it is certainly true that if you want a new capability added,
> you have to either write it yourself or get someone to do it for you.
> There is SOME precedent for the proposition that if you want an
> obsolete capability not to be removed, you should be prepared to help
> fix it.  But frankly I think the latter proposition is one we've taken
> only occasionally, and only for things that were a whole lot cruftier
> and more problematic than this is.  For example, if a library is no
> longer available and we have a contrib module that depends on that
> library, it's reasonable to say that we can't keep the contrib module
> unless somebody rewrites it not to depend on that library any more.
> But the current situation is completely different.  The code
> maintenance burden resulting from keeping exclusive-mode backups is
> mostly hypothetical; the code works as well as it ever did.  We rarely
> take the position that we're going to rip out older code that doesn't
> work as nicely as newer code does just because nobody's prepared to
> e.g. better-document the old code.

I'd argue that if something which has been deprecated for years is
seriously getting in the way of making progress that we should be
willing to accept a proposal to rip it out after giving people
sufficient time to adjust, and that if someone really wants to keep that
deprecated API then they need to be willing to spend the time to address
the reasons why it was deprecated.

> For example, we still have FEBE protocol 2 support floating around.
> If you're going to talk about badly-designed footguns that ought to be
> excised with extreme prejudice, that would IMHO be a far better place
> to start than this.  Unlike this code, which it's now obvious is used
> by quite a number of people even just among those who read this list
> regularly, that code is probably nearly unused and untested and, if we
> broke it, we probably wouldn't know.

You can probably guess my feelings with regard to the FEBE v2 support.

At least, in that case, people aren't really using it though.  What I
really dislike is that we've got a *lot* of people using something that
we *know* has some pretty serious potential data-eating problems.
Saying that we should keep it around because a lot of people are using
it isn't the way to persuade me that we should keep it.



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