
* Fujii Masao ( wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 4:35 PM Laurenz Albe <> wrote:
> >
> > Fujii Masao wrote:
> > > So, let me clarify the situations;
> > >
> > > (3) If backup_label.pending exists but recovery.signal doesn't, the server
> > >        ignores (or removes) backup_label.pending and do the recovery
> > >        starting the pg_control's REDO location. This case can happen if
> > >        the server crashes while an exclusive backup is in progress.
> > >        So crash-in-the-middle-of-backup doesn't prevent the recovery from
> > >        starting in this idea
> >
> > That's where I see the problem with your idea.
> >
> > It is fairly easy for someone to restore a backup and then just start
> > the server without first creating "recovery.signal", and that would
> > lead to data corruption.
> Isn't this case problematic even when a backup was taken by pg_basebackup?
> Because of lack of recovery.signal, no archived WAL files are replayed and
> the database may not reach to the latest point.

There's a number of problems, imv, that I think have just been
ignored/missed when it comes to the recovery.conf removal and tools like
pg_basebackup, see this msg also:

At this point, I think we need to put these issues on the v12 open items
page so that we don't forget about them and get these things fixed
before v12 comes out.



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