On 2/28/19 11:37 AM, Robert Haas wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 11:14 AM Joe Conway <m...@joeconway.com> wrote:
>> > Although, and Joe may hate me for saying this, I think only the
>> > non-constants should be redacted to keep some level of usability for
>> > regular SQL errors. Maybe system errors like the above should be
>> > removed from client messages in general.
>> I started down this path and it looked fragile. I guess if there is
>> generally enough support to think this might be viable I could open up
>> that door again, but I don't want to waste time if the approach is
>> really a non-starter as stated upthread :-/.
> Hmm.  It seems to me that if there's a function that sometimes throws
> an error and other times does not, and if that behavior is dependent
> on the input, then even redacting the error message down to 'ERROR:
> error' does not remove the leak.  So it seems to me that regardless of
> what one thinks about the proposal from a usability perspective, it's
> probably not correct from a security standpoint.  Information that
> couldn't be leaked until present rules would leak with this change,
> when the new GUCs were turned on.
> Am I wrong?

No, and Tom stated as much too, but life is all about tradeoffs. Some
people will find this an acceptable compromise. For those that don't
they don't have to use it. IMHO we tend toward too much nannyism too often.


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