On 3/1/19 3:59 AM, Chapman Flack wrote:
The following review has been posted through the commitfest application:
make installcheck-world:  tested, passed
Implements feature:       tested, passed
Spec compliant:           not tested
Documentation:            tested, passed

For completeness, I'll mark this reviewed again. It passes installcheck-world, 
the latest patch addresses the suggestions from me, and is improved on the 
code-structure matters that Tom pointed out. I don't know if it will meet Tom's 
threshold for desirability overall, but that sounds like a committer call at 
this point, so I'll change it to RfC.

Both committers who have looked at this patch (Tom, and Andres in his patch roundup [1]) recommend that it be rejected.

If no committer steps up in the next week I think we should mark it as rejected.


[1] https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/20190214203752.t4hl574k6jlu4t25%40alap3.anarazel.de

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