On Wed, Mar 06, 2019 at 11:55:12AM +0300, Devrim Gündüz wrote:
> Apologies if this has been discussed before: When I run pg_basebackup in git
> head against v11 server, it treats v11 as v12: Does not create recovery.conf, 
> adds recovery parameters to postgresql.auto.conf, and also creates
> standby.signal file. Is this expected, or a bug?

You are right, this is a bug.  Compatibility with past server versions
should be preserved, and we made an effort to do so in the past (see
the switch to pg_wal/ for example).  Fortunately, maintaining the
compatibility is simple enough as the connection information is close
by so that we just need to change postgresql.auto.conf to
recovery.conf, and avoid the creation of standby.signal.

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