Context: I'm trying to compile the jsonpath v36 patches (these apply
OK), and on top of those the jsonfunctions and jsontable patch series.
That fails for me (on
0001-Implementation-of-SQL-JSON-path-language-v36.patch), and now I'm
wondering why that does not agree with what the patch-tester page shows
( http://commitfest.cputube.org/ ).
The patch-tester page does not explain what the colors and symbols mean.
Of course one can guess 'red' and 'cross' is bad, and 'green' and
'check' is good.
But some questions remain:
- Some symbols' color is 'filled-in' (solid), and some are not. What
does that mean?
- For each patch there are three symbols; what do those three stand for?
- I suppose there is a regular schedule of apply and compile of each
patch. How often does it happen? Can I see how recent a particular
reported state is?
Can you throw some light on this?
Erik Rijkes