On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 10:46 AM, Konstantin Knizhnik wrote:
> Rebased version of the patch is attached.

I'm sorry for the late review.
I confirmed behavior of autoprepare-12.patch. It is summarized below.

Expected behavior was shown according to the set value.
However, I think that it is be more kind to describe that autoprepare
hold infinite statements when the setting value of
autoprepare_ (memory_) limit is 0 in the manual.
There is no problem as operation.

I confirmed that I could refer properly.

・autoprepare cache retention period
I confirmed that autoprepared statements were deleted when the set
statement or the DDL statement was executed. Although it differs from
the explicit prepare statements, it does not matter as a autoprepare.

This patch does not confirm the basic performance of autoprepare because
it confirmed that there was no performance problem with the previous
patch (autoprepare-11.patch). However, because it was argued that
performance degradation would occur when prepared statements execute to
a partition table, I expected that autoprepare might exhibit similar
behavior, and measured the performance. I also predicted that the
plan_cache_mode setting does not apply to autoprepare, and we also
measured the plan_cache_mode by conditions.
Below results (this result is TPS)

    plan_cache_mode     simple  simple(autoprepare) prepare
    auto                130     121                 121.5
    force_custom_plan   132.5   90.7                122.7
    force_generic_plan  126.7   14.7                24.7

Performance degradation was observed when plan_cache_mode was specified
for autoprepare. Is this behavior correct? I do not know why this is the

Below performance test procedure

drop table if exists rt;
create table rt (a int, b int, c int) partition by range (a);
\o /dev/null
select 'create table rt' || x::text || ' partition of rt for values from (' ||
 (x)::text || ') to (' || (x+1)::text || ');' from generate_series(0, 1024) x;

pgbench -p port -T 60 -c 1 -n -f test.sql (-M prepared) postgres

\set a random (0, 1023)
select * from rt where a = :a;

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