>> You misunderstand the functionality of to_regclass(). Even if a user
>> does not have an access privilege of certain table, to_regclass() does
>> not raise an error.
>> test=> select * from t1;
>> ERROR:  permission denied for table t1
>> test=> select to_regclass('t1')::oid;
>>  to_regclass 
>> -------------
>>      1647238
>> (1 row)
>> So why can't we do the same thing for schema? For me, that way seems
>> to be more consistent.
> It seems to be a different thing. The oid 1647239 would be a
> table in public schema or any schema that the user has access
> to. If search_path contained only unprivileged schemas, the
> function silently ignores such schemas.
> => set search_path to s1;       -- the user doesn't have access to this 
> schema.
> => select to_regclass('t1')::oid; -- the table is really exists.
>> to_regclass 
>> -------------
>> (1 row)

I (and Hoshiai-san) concern about following case:

# revoke usage on schema s1 from foo;
[connect as foo]
test=> select to_regclass('s1.t1')::oid;
ERROR:  permission denied for schema s1

Best regards,
Tatsuo Ishii
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan
English: http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en.php

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