
Yet another review of this patch from me...

>        An index build with the <literal>CONCURRENTLY</literal> option failed, 
> leaving
>        an <quote>invalid</quote> index. Such indexes are useless but it can be
> -      convenient to use <command>REINDEX</command> to rebuild them. Note that
> -      <command>REINDEX</command> will not perform a concurrent build. To 
> build the
> -      index without interfering with production you should drop the index and
> -      reissue the <command>CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY</command> command.
> +      convenient to use <command>REINDEX</command> to rebuild them.

Not sure we can just say "use REINDEX" since only non-concurrently reindex can 
rebuild such index. I propose to not change this part.

> +    The following steps occur in a concurrent index build, each in a separate
> +    transaction except when the new index definitions are created
> +       All the constraints and foreign keys which refer to the index are 
> swapped...
> +       ... This step is done within a single transaction
> +       for each temporary entry.
> +       Old indexes have <literal>pg_index.indisready</literal> switched to 
> <quote>false</quote>
> +       to prevent any new tuple insertions after waiting for running queries 
> which
> +       may reference the old index to complete. This step is done within a 
> single
> +       transaction for each temporary entry.

According to the code index_concurrently_swap is called in loop inside one 
transaction for all processed indexes of table. Same for 
index_concurrently_set_dead and index_concurrently_drop calls. So this part of 
documentation seems incorrect.

And few questions:
- reindexdb has concurrently flag logic even in reindex_system_catalogs, but 
"reindex concurrently" can not reindex system catalog. Is this expected?
- should reindexdb check server version? For example, binary from patched HEAD 
can reindex v11 cluster and obviously fail if --concurrently was requested.
- psql/tab-complete.c vs old releases? Seems we need suggest CONCURRENTLY 
keyword only for releases with concurrently support.

Well, i still have no new questions about backend logic. Maybe we need mark 
patch as "Ready for Committer" in order to get more attention from other 

regards, Sergei

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