Hi All,

I noticed that irrespective of whoever grants privileges on an object,
it's always the object owner who is seen as a grantor in the output of
table_privileges view. As an example, consider the following case.

create user u1;
create user u2 with superuser;
create user u3;

\c postgres u1
create table t1(a integer);

\c postgres u2
grant select on t1 to u3; -- it's u2 who is granting select privileges
on t1 to u3

\c postgres u3
select * from table_privileges where table_name = 't1';

postgres=# \c postgres u3
You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "u3".

postgres=> select * from information_schema.table_privileges where
table_name = 't1';
 grantor | grantee | table_catalog | table_schema | table_name |
privilege_type | is_grantable | with_hierarchy
 u1      | u3      | postgres      | public       | t1         |
SELECT         | NO           | YES
(1 row)

postgres=> select * from t1;
(0 rows)

Above output of table_privilges shows 'u1' (who is the object owner of
t1) as a grantor instead of u2. Isn't that a wrong information ? If
incase that isn't wrong then may i know why does the postgresql
documentation on "table_privilegs" describes grantor as "Name of the
role that granted the privilege". Here is the documentation link for
table_privilges view.


With Regards,
Ashutosh Sharma

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