> By the way, the Routine Vacuuming chapter of the documentation says:
> "The sole disadvantage of increasing autovacuum_freeze_max_age (and
> vacuum_freeze_table_age along with it) is that the pg_xact and
> pg_commit_ts subdirectories of the database cluster will take more space
> [...]
> If [pg_xact and pg_commit_ts taking 0.5 and 20 GB, respectively]
> is trivial compared to your total database size, setting
> autovacuum_freeze_max_age to its maximum allowed value is recommended."
> Maybe this should be qualified with "unless you have trouble with your
> autovacuum keeping up" or so; or generally reworded?

This recommendation is in the mindset of "wraparound never happens".
If your database is large, you have more chances to hit it painfully, and
if it's append-only even more so.

Alternative point of "if your database is super large and actively written,
you may want to set autovacuum_freeze_max_age to even smaller values so
that autovacuum load is more evenly spread over time" may be needed.

Darafei Praliaskouski
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