On 2019-Apr-08, Amit Langote wrote:

> I noticed that the size shown in the output of both \dP+ and \dPt+ does
> include toast relation sizes of (leaf) partitions, because
> pg_table_size(), which is used by all the queries that
> listPartitionedTables sends to the server, does:
>     /*
>      * heap size, including FSM and VM
>      */
>     for (forkNum = 0; forkNum <= MAX_FORKNUM; forkNum++)
>         size += calculate_relation_size(&(rel->rd_node), rel->rd_backend,
>                                         forkNum);
>     /*
>      * Size of toast relation
>      */
>     if (OidIsValid(rel->rd_rel->reltoastrelid))
>         size += calculate_toast_table_size(rel->rd_rel->reltoastrelid);

Sigh.  I must have mixed up whether pg_table_size did include toast size
or not.  Anyway, I think \dP should report the same thing as \d, which I
think it's doing, so we're good there.

> >> Also, I think the new \dP should gain a new flag (maybe "l") to make it
> >> list leaf tables/indexes too with their local sizes, and remove those
> >> from the standard \d listing.
> > 
> > +1
> +1 to the idea.  Perhaps we'd need to post this in a separate thread to
> highlight what may be a substantive change to \d's output?

Aye aye.

Not in a position to work on that right now; I might get to that in a
few days if nobody beats me to it.  (But then, I might not.)

Álvaro Herrera                https://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
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