
At Tue, 09 Apr 2019 10:28:48 +0900 (Tokyo Standard Time), Kyotaro HORIGUCHI 
<> wrote in 
> As the second thought. Partition constraint is not constraint
> expression so that's fair to apply partqual ignoring
> constraint_exclusion. The variable is set false to skip useless
> expression evaluation on all partitions, but partqual should be
> evaluated just once.  Sorry for my confusion.
> So still it is wrong that the new code is added in
> gen_partprune_steps_internal.

So still it is wrong that the new code is added at the beginning
of the loop on clauses in gen_partprune_steps_internal.

>                               If partqual results true and the
> clause is long, the partqual is evaluated uselessly at every
> recursion.
> Maybe we should do that when we find that the current clause
> doesn't match part attributes. Specifically just after the for
> loop "for (i = 0 ; i < part_scheme->partnattrs; i++)".

Kyotaro Horiguchi
NTT Open Source Software Center

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