
On 2019-04-17 15:49:29 +0530, Amit Kapila wrote:
> > *and* stash the bitmap of
> > pages that we think are used/free as a bitmap somewhere below the
> > relcache.
> I think maintaining at relcache level will be tricky when there are
> insertions and deletions happening in the small relation.  We have
> considered such a case during development wherein we don't want the
> FSM to be created if there are insertions and deletions in small
> relation.  The current mechanism addresses both this and normal case
> where there are not many deletions.  Sure there is some overhead of
> building the map again and rechecking each page.  The first one is a
> memory operation and takes a few cycles

Yea, I think creating / resetting the map is basically free.

I'm not sure I buy the concurrency issue - ISTM it'd be perfectly
reasonable to cache the local map (in the relcache) and use it for local
FSM queries, and rebuild it from scratch once no space is found. That'd
avoid a lot of repeated checking of relation size for small, but
commonly changed relations.  Add a pre-check of smgr_fsm_nblocks (if >
0, there has to be an fsm), and there should be fewer syscalls.

> and for the second we optimized by checking the pages alternatively
> which means we won't check more than two pages at-a-time.  This cost
> is paid by not checking FSM and it could be somewhat better in some
> cases [1].

Well, it's also paid by potentially higher bloat, because the
intermediate pages aren't tested.

> >  If we cleared that variable at truncations, I think we should
> > be able to make that work reasonably well?
> Not only that, I think it needs to be cleared whenever we create the
> FSM as well which could be tricky as it can be created by the vacuum.

ISTM normal invalidation logic should just take of that kind of thing.

> OTOH, if we want to extend it later for whatever reason to a relation
> level cache, it shouldn't be that difficult as the implementation is
> mostly contained in freespace.c (fsm* functions) and I think the
> relation is accessible in most places.  We might need to rip out some
> calls to clearlocalmap.

But it really isn't contained to freespace.c. That's my primary
concern. You added new parameters (undocumented ones!),
FSMClearLocalMap() needs to be called by callers and xlog, etc.


Andres Freund

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