On Fri, May 03, 2019 at 11:45:33AM -0700, Andres Freund wrote:
> Hi,
> On 2019-05-03 10:08:59 -0700, Mark Wong wrote:
> > Ok, I think I have gdb installed now...
> Thanks! Any chance you could turn on force_parallel_mode for the other
> branches it applies to too? Makes it easier to figure out whether
> breakage is related to that, or independent.

Slowly catching up on my collection of ppc64le animals...

I still need to upgrade the build farm client (v8) on:
* dhole
* vulpes
* wobbegong
* cuon
* batfish
* devario
* cardinalfish

The following I've enabled force_parallel_mode for HEAD, 11, 10, and

* buri
* urocryon
* ayu
* shoveler
* chimaera
* bonito
* takin
* bufflehead
* elasmobranch
* demoiselle
* cavefish


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