On 5/22/19 4:26 PM, Michael Paquier wrote:
On Wed, May 22, 2019 at 09:19:53AM +0900, Ian Barwick wrote:
the last two items are performance improvements not related to authentication;
presumably the VACUUM item would be better off in the "Utility Commands"
section and the TRUNCATE item in "General Performance"?

I agree with removing them from authentication, but these are not
performance-related items.  Instead I think that "Utility commands" is
a place where they can live better.

I am wondering if we should insist on the DOS attacks on a server, as
non-authorized users are basically able to block any tables, and
authorization is only a part of it, one of the worst parts
actually...  Anyway, I think that "This prevents unauthorized locking
delays." does not provide enough details.  What about reusing the
first paragraph of the commits?  Here is an idea:
"A caller of TRUNCATE/VACUUM/ANALYZE could previously queue for an
access exclusive lock on a relation it may not have permission to
truncate/vacuum/analyze, potentially interfering with users authorized
to work on it.  This could prevent users from accessing some relations
they have access to, in some cases preventing authentication if a
critical catalog relation was blocked."

Ah, if that's the intent behind/use for those changes (I haven't looked at them
in any detail, was just scanning the release notes) then it certainly needs some
explanation along those lines.


Ian Barwick

 Ian Barwick                   https://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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