On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 03:40:01PM +0800, Hubert Zhang wrote:
On Sat, May 4, 2019 at 8:34 AM Tomas Vondra <tomas.von...@2ndquadrant.com>

Hi Tomas

I read your second patch which uses overflow buf files to reduce the total
number of batches.
It would solve the hash join OOM problem what you discussed above: 8K per
batch leads to batch bloating problem.

I mentioned in another thread:

There is another hashjoin OOM problem which disables splitting batches too
early. PG uses a flag hashtable->growEnable to determine whether to split
batches. Once one splitting failed(all the tuples are assigned to only one
batch of two split ones) The growEnable flag would be turned off forever.

The is an opposite side of batch bloating problem. It only contains too few
batches and makes the in-memory hash table too large to fit into memory.

Yes. There are deffinitely multiple separate issues in the hashjoin code,
and the various improvements discussed in this (and other) thread usually
address just a subset of them. We need to figure out how to combine them
or maybe devise some more generic solution.

So I think we need to take a step back, and figure out how to combine
these improvements - otherwise we might commit a fix for one issue, making
it much harder/impossible to improve the other issues.

The other important question is whether we see these cases as outliers
(and the solutions as last-resort-attempt-to-survive kind of fix) or more
widely applicable optimizations. I've seen some interesting speedups with
the overflow-batches patch, but my feeling is we should really treat it as
a last-resort to survive.
I had a chat about this with Thomas Munro yesterday. Unfortunately, some
beer was involved but I do vaguely remember he more or less convinced me
the BNL (block nested loop join) might be the right approach here. We
don't have any patch for that yet, though :-(

Here is the tradeoff: one batch takes more than 8KB(8KB makes sense, due to
performance), in-memory hash table takes memory as well and splitting
batched may(not must) reduce the in-memory hash table size but introduce
more batches(and thus more memory usage 8KB*#batch).
Can we conclude that it would be worth to splitting if satisfy:
(The reduced memory of in-memory hash table) - (8KB * number of new
batches) > 0

Something like that, yes.

So I'm considering to combine our patch with your patch to fix join OOM
problem. No matter the OOM is introduced by (the memory usage of in-memory
hash table) or (8KB * number of batches).

nbatch_inmemory in your patch could also use the upper rule to redefine.

What's your opinion?

One of the issues with my "overflow batches" patch, pointed out to me by
Thomas yesterday, is that it only works with non-parallel hash join. And
we don't know how to make it work in the parallel mode :-(


Tomas Vondra                  http://www.2ndQuadrant.com
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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