
* Melanie Plageman ( wrote:
> Peter and I implemented this small (attached) patch to extend
> abbreviated key compare sort to macaddr8 datatype (currently supported
> for macaddr).


> I think that that seems like an improvement. I was thinking of
> registering this patch for the next commitfest. Is that okay?


> I was just wondering what the accepted way to test and share
> performance numbers is for a small patch like this. Is sharing DDL
> enough? Do I need to use pg_bench?

Detailed (enough...  doesn't need to include timing of every indivudal
query, but something like the average timing across 5 runs or similar
would be good) results posted to this list, with enough information
about how to reproduce the tests, would be the way to go.

The idea is to let others also test and make sure that they come up with
similar results to yours, and if they don't, ideally have enough
information to narrow down what's happening / what's different.



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