On 2019-May-23, Jeff Janes wrote:

> Now that beta is out, I wanted to do some crash-recovery testing where I
> inject PANIC-inducing faults and see if it recovers correctly. A long-lived
> Perl process keeps track of what it should find after the crash, and
> verifies that it finds it.  You will probably be familiar with the general
> theme from examples like the threads below.  Would anyone like to nominate
> some areas to focus on?

Thanks for the offer!  Your work has showed its value in previous cycles.

REINDEX CONCURRENTLY would be one good area to focus on, I think, as
well as ALTER TABLE ATTACH PARTITION.  Maybe also INCLUDE columns in
GiST, and the stuff in commits 9155580fd, fe280694d and 7df159a62.


Álvaro Herrera                https://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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