On Sun, May 19, 2019 at 03:55:06PM -0700, Andres Freund wrote:
> I seem to recall that we expect tests to either work with
> default_transaction_isolation=serializable, or to set it to a different
> level where needed.
> Currently that's not the case. When running check-world with PGOPTIONS
> set to -c default_transaction_isolation=serializable I get easy to fix
> failures (isolation, plpgsql) but also some apparently hanging tests
> (003_recovery_targets.pl, 003_standby_2.pl).
> Do we expect this to work? If it's desirable I'll set up an animal that
> forces it to on.

I'm +1 for making it a project expectation, with an animal to confirm.  It's
not expected to work today.

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