On Wed, Jun 19, 2019 at 7:07 PM Thom Brown <t...@linux.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Jun 2019 at 14:59, Thom Brown <t...@linux.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've been reading through the documentation regarding jsonpath and
> > jsonb_path_query etc., and I have found it lacking explanation for
> > some functionality, and I've also had some confusion when using the
> > feature.
> >
> > ? operator
> > ==========
> > The first mention of '?' is in section 9.15, where it says:
> >
> > "Suppose you would like to retrieve all heart rate values higher than
> > 130. You can achieve this using the following expression:
> > '$.track.segments[*].HR ? (@ > 130)'"
> >
> > So what is the ? operator doing here?  Sure, there's the regular ?
> > operator, which is given as an example further down the page:
> >
> > '{"a":1, "b":2}'::jsonb ? 'b'
> >
> > But this doesn't appear to have the same purpose.
> >
> >
> > like_regex
> > ==========
> > Then there's like_regex, which shows an example that uses the keyword
> > "flag", but that is the only instance of that keyword being mentioned,
> > and the flags available to this expression aren't anywhere to be seen.
> >
> >
> > is unknown
> > ==========
> > "is unknown" suggests a boolean output, but the example shows an
> > output of "infinity".  While I understand what it does, this appears
> > inconsistent with all other "is..." functions (e.g. is_valid(lsn),
> > pg_is_other_temp_schema(oid), pg_opclass_is_visible(opclass_oid),
> > pg_is_in_backup() etc.).
> >
> >
> > $varname
> > ==========
> > The jsonpath variable, $varname, has an incomplete description: "A
> > named variable. Its value must be set in the PASSING clause of an
> > SQL/JSON query function. for details."
> >
> >
> > Binary operation error
> > ==========
> > I get an error when I run this query:
> >
> > postgres=# SELECT jsonb_path_query('[2]', '2 + $[1]');
> > psql: ERROR:  right operand of jsonpath operator + is not a single numeric 
> > value
> >
> > While I know it's correct to get an error in this scenario as there is
> > no element beyond 0, the message I get is confusing.  I'd expect this
> > if it encountered another array in that position, but not for
> > exceeding the upper bound of the array.
> >
> >
> > Cryptic error
> > ==========
> > postgres=# SELECT jsonb_path_query('[1, "2",
> > {},[{"a":2}],2.3,null,"2019-06-05T13:25:43.511Z"]','$[**].type()');
> > psql: ERROR:  syntax error, unexpected ANY_P at or near "**" of jsonpath 
> > input
> > LINE 1: ...},[{"a":2}],2.3,null,"2019-06-05T13:25:43.511Z"]','$[**].typ...
> >                                                              ^
> > Again, I expect an error, but the message produced doesn't help me.
> > I'll remove the ANY_P if I can find it.
> >
> >
> > Can't use nested arrays with jsonpath
> > ==========
> >
> > I encounter an error in this scenario:
> >
> > postgres=# select jsonb_path_query('[1, 2, 1, [1,2], 3]','$[*] ? (@ == 
> > [1,2])');
> > psql: ERROR:  syntax error, unexpected '[' at or near "[" of jsonpath input
> > LINE 1: select jsonb_path_query('[1, 2, 1, [1,2], 3]','$[*] ? (@ == ...
> >
> > So these filter operators only work with scalars?
> >
> >
> Another observation about the documentation is that the examples given
> in 9.15. JSON Functions, Operators, and Expressions aren't all
> functional.  Some example JSON is provided, followed by example
> jsonpath queries which could be used against it.  These will produce
> results for the reader wishing to test them out until this example:
> '$.track.segments[*].HR ? (@ > 130)'
> This is because there is no HR value greater than 130.  May I propose
> setting this and all similar examples to (@ > 120) instead?

Makes sense to me.

> Also, this example doesn't work:
> '$.track ? (@.segments[*] ? (@.HR > 130)).segments.size()'
> This gives me:
> psql: ERROR:  syntax error, unexpected $end at end of jsonpath input
> LINE 13: }','$.track ? (@.segments[*]');
>             ^

Perhaps it should be following:

'$.track ? (exists(@.segments[*] ? (@.HR > 130))).segments.size()'

Alexander Korotkov
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

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