Greg Stark <> writes:
> Actually thinking about this for two more seconds the question is what it
> would do with a query like
> WHERE col = ANY '1,2,3'::integer[]
> Or
> WHERE col = ANY ARRAY[1,2,3]
> Whichever the language binding that is failing to do parameterized queries
> is doing to emulate them.

Yeah, one interesting question is whether this is actually modeling
what happens with real-world applications --- are they sending Consts,
or Params?

I resolutely dislike the idea of marking arrays that came from IN
differently from other ones; that's just a hack and it's going to give
rise to unexplainable behavioral differences for logically-equivalent

One idea that comes to me after looking at the code involved is that
it might be an improvement across-the-board if transformAExprIn were to
reduce the generated ArrayExpr to an array Const immediately, in cases
where all the inputs are Consts.  That is going to happen anyway come
plan time, so it'd have zero impact on semantics or query performance.
Doing it earlier would cost nothing, and could even be a net win, by
reducing per-parse-node overhead in places like the rewriter.

The advantage for the problem at hand is that a Const that's an array
of 2 elements is going to look the same as a Const that's any other
number of elements so far as pg_stat_statements is concerned.

This doesn't help of course in cases where the values aren't all
Consts.  Since we eliminated Vars already, the main practical case
would be that they're Params, leading us back to the previous
question of whether apps are binding queries with different numbers
of parameter markers in an IN, and how hard pg_stat_statements should
try to fuzz that if they are.

Then, to Greg's point, there's a question of whether transformArrayExpr
should do likewise, ie try to produce an array Const immediately.
I'm a bit less excited about that, but consistency suggests that
we should have it act the same as the IN case.

                        regards, tom lane

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