On 29/06/2019 00:23, Julien Rouhaud wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 28, 2019 at 10:16 PM Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
>> Tomas Vondra <tomas.von...@2ndquadrant.com> writes:
>>> On Fri, Jun 28, 2019 at 03:03:19PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
>>>> I not only don't want that function in indxpath.c, I don't even want
>>>> it to be known/called from there.  If we need the ability for the index
>>>> AM to editorialize on the list of indexable quals (which I'm not very
>>>> convinced of yet), let's make an AM interface function to do it.
>>> Wouldn't it be better to have a function that inspects a single qual and
>>> says whether it's "optimizable" or not? That could be part of the AM
>>> implementation, and we'd call it and it'd be us messing with the list.
>> Uh ... we already determined that the qual is indexable (ie is a member
>> of the index's opclass), or allowed the index AM to derive an indexable
>> clause from it, so I'm not sure what you envision would happen
>> additionally there.  If I understand what Julien is concerned about
>> --- and I may not --- it's that the set of indexable clauses *as a whole*
>> may have or lack properties of interest.  So I'm thinking the answer
>> involves some callback that can do something to the whole list, not
>> qual-at-a-time.  We've already got facilities for the latter case.
> Yes, the root issue here is that with gin it's entirely possible that
> "WHERE sometable.col op value1" is way more efficient than "WHERE
> sometable.col op value AND sometable.col op value2", where both qual
> are determined indexable by the opclass.  The only way to avoid that
> is indeed to inspect the whole list, as done in this poor POC.
> This is a problem actually hit in production, and as far as I know
> there's no easy way from the application POV to prevent unexpected
> slowdown.  Maybe Marc will have more details about the actual problem
> and how expensive such a case was compared to the normal ones.

Sorry for the delay...

Yes, quite easily, here is what we had (it's just a bit simplified, we have 
other criterions but I think it shows the problem):

rh2=> explain analyze select * from account_employee where typeahead like 
 Bitmap Heap Scan on account_employee  (cost=53.69..136.27 rows=734 width=666) 
(actual time=15.562..35.044 rows=8957 loops=1)
   Recheck Cond: (typeahead ~~ '%albert%'::text)
   Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 46
   Heap Blocks: exact=8919
   ->  Bitmap Index Scan on account_employee_site_typeahead_gin_idx  
(cost=0.00..53.51 rows=734 width=0) (actual time=14.135..14.135 rows=9011 
         Index Cond: (typeahead ~~ '%albert%'::text)
 Planning time: 0.224 ms
 Execution time: 35.389 ms
(8 rows)

rh2=> explain analyze select * from account_employee where typeahead like 
'%albert%' and typeahead like '%lo%';
QUERY PLAN                                                                      
 Bitmap Heap Scan on account_employee  (cost=28358.38..28366.09 rows=67 
width=666) (actual time=18210.109..18227.134 rows=1172 loops=1)
   Recheck Cond: ((typeahead ~~ '%albert%'::text) AND (typeahead ~~ 
   Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 7831
   Heap Blocks: exact=8919
   ->  Bitmap Index Scan on account_employee_site_typeahead_gin_idx  
(cost=0.00..28358.37 rows=67 width=0) (actual time=18204.756..18204.756 
rows=9011 loops=1)
         Index Cond: ((typeahead ~~ '%albert%'::text) AND (typeahead ~~ 
 Planning time: 0.288 ms
 Execution time: 18230.182 ms
(8 rows)

We noticed this because the application timed out for users searching someone 
whose name was 2 characters ( it happens :) ).

We reject such filters when it's the only criterion, as we know it's going to 
be slow, but ignoring it as a supplementary filter would be a bit weird.

Of course there is the possibility of filtering with two stages with a CTE, but 
that's not as great as having PostgreSQL doing it itself.

By the way, while preparing this, I noticed that it seems that during this kind 
of index scan, the interrupt signal is masked
for a very long time. Control-C takes a very long while to cancel the query. 
But it's an entirely different problem :)


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