On Wed, Jul 03, 2019 at 07:03:06PM -0700, Jeff Davis wrote:
On Wed, 2019-07-03 at 02:17 +0200, Tomas Vondra wrote:
What does "partitioned hash strategy" do? It's probably explained in
of the historical discussions, but I'm not sure which one. I assume
simply hashes the group keys and uses that to partition the data, and
passing it to hash aggregate.

Yes. When spilling, it is cheap to partition on the hash value at the
same time, which dramatically reduces the need to spill multiple times.
Previous discussions:

Unfortunately the second link does not work :-(

It's supposed to be:


I'm not going to block Approach 1, althought I'd really like to see
something that helps with array_agg.

I have a WIP patch that I just posted. It doesn't yet work with
ARRAY_AGG, but I think it can be made to work by evicting the entire
hash table, serializing the transition states, and then later combining

Aren't all three approaches a way to "fix" hash aggregate? In any
it's certainly reasonable to make incremental changes. The question
whether "approach 1" is sensible step towards some form of "approach

Disk-based hashing certainly seems like a reasonable algorithm on paper
that has some potential advantages over sorting. It certainly seems
sensible to me that we explore the disk-based hashing strategy first,
and then we would at least know what we are missing (if anything) by
going with the hybrid approach later.

There's also a fair amount of design space to explore in the hybrid
strategy. That could take a while to converge, especially if we don't
have anything in place to compare against.

Makes sense. I haven't thought about how the hybrid approach would be
implemented very much, so I can't quite judge how complicated would it be
to extend "approach 1" later. But if you think it's a sensible first step,
I trust you. And I certainly agree we need something to compare the other
approaches against.

> * It means we have a hash table and sort running concurrently, each
>  using memory. Andres said this might not be a problem[3], but I'm
>  not convinced that the problem is zero. If you use small work_mem
>  for the write phase of sorting, you'll end up with a lot of runs
> to
>  merge later and that has some kind of cost.

Why would we need to do both concurrently? I thought we'd empty the
table before doing the sort, no?

So you are saying we spill the tuples into a tuplestore, then feed the
tuplestore through a tuplesort? Seems inefficient, but I guess we can.

I think the question is whether we see this as "emergency fix" (for cases
that are misestimated and could/would fail with OOM at runtime), or as
something that is meant to make "hash agg" more widely applicable.

I personally see it as an emergency fix, in which cases it's perfectly
fine if it's not 100% efficient, assuming it kicks in only rarely.
Effectively, we're betting on hash agg, and from time to time we lose.

But even if we see it as a general optimization technique it does not have
to be perfectly efficient, as long as it's properly costed (so the planner
only uses it when appropriate).

If we have a better solution (in terms of efficiency, code complexity,
etc.) then sure - let's use that. But considering we've started this
discussion in ~2015 and we still don't have anything, I wouldn't hold my
breath. Let's do something good enough, and maybe improve it later.

Do we actually need to handle that case? How many such aggregates are
there? I think it's OK to just ignore that case (and keep doing what
we do
now), and require serial/deserial functions for anything better.

Punting on a few cases is fine with me, if the user has a way to fix

+1 to doing that


Tomas Vondra                  http://www.2ndQuadrant.com
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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