On Thu, 18 Jul 2019 at 14:53, David Rowley <david.row...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> Is anyone particularly concerned about the worst-case slowdown here
> being about 1.54%?  The best case, and arguably a more realistic case
> above showed a 34% speedup for the best case.

I took a bit more time to test the performance on this. I thought I
might have been a bit unfair on the patch by giving it completely
empty tables to look at. It just seems too unrealistic to have a large
number of completely empty partitions. I decided to come up with a
more realistic case where there are 140 partitions but we're
performing an index scan to find a record that can exist in only 1 of
the 140 partitions.

create table hp (a int, b int) partition by hash(a);
select 'create table hp'||x||' partition of hp for values with
(modulus 140, remainder ' || x || ');' from generate_series(0,139)x;
create index on hp (b);
insert into hp select x,x from generate_series(1, 140000) x;
analyze hp;

select3.sql: select * from hp where b = 1


$ pgbench -n -f select3.sql -T 60 -M prepared postgres
tps = 2124.591367 (excluding connections establishing)
tps = 2158.754837 (excluding connections establishing)
tps = 2146.348465 (excluding connections establishing)
tps = 2148.995800 (excluding connections establishing)
tps = 2154.223600 (excluding connections establishing)


$ pgbench -n -f select3.sql -T 60 -M prepared postgres
tps = 2002.480729 (excluding connections establishing)
tps = 1997.272944 (excluding connections establishing)
tps = 1992.527079 (excluding connections establishing)
tps = 1995.789367 (excluding connections establishing)
tps = 2001.195760 (excluding connections establishing)

so it turned out it's even slower, and not by a small amount either!
Patched is 6.93% slower on average with this case :-(

I went back to the drawing board on this and I've added some code that
counts the number of times we've seen the table to be oversized and
just shrinks the table back down on the 1000th time.  6.93% / 1000 is
not all that much. Of course, not all the extra overhead might be from
rebuilding the table, so here's a test with the updated patch.

$ pgbench -n -f select3.sql -T 60 -M prepared postgres
tps = 2142.414323 (excluding connections establishing)
tps = 2139.666899 (excluding connections establishing)
tps = 2138.744789 (excluding connections establishing)
tps = 2138.300299 (excluding connections establishing)
tps = 2137.346278 (excluding connections establishing)

Just a 0.34% drop. Pretty hard to pick that out the noise.

Testing the original case that shows the speedup:

create table ht (a int primary key, b int, c int) partition by hash (a);
select 'create table ht' || x::text || ' partition of ht for values
with (modulus 8192, remainder ' || (x)::text || ');' from
generate_series(0,8191) x;

\set p 1
select * from ht where a = :p


$ pgbench -n -f select.sql -T 60 -M prepared postgres
tps = 10172.035036 (excluding connections establishing)
tps = 10192.780529 (excluding connections establishing)
tps = 10331.306003 (excluding connections establishing)


$ pgbench -n -f select.sql -T 60 -M prepared postgres
tps = 15080.765549 (excluding connections establishing)
tps = 14994.404069 (excluding connections establishing)
tps = 14982.923480 (excluding connections establishing)

That seems fine, 46% faster.

v6 is attached.

I plan to push this in a few days unless someone objects.

 David Rowley                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Attachment: shrink_bloated_locallocktable_v6.patch
Description: Binary data

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